Finely dice 1 onion, 1 stick celery and 1 clove garlic and shred 1 leek and fry gently in fry light until soft.
Add 75g risotto rice per person and fry gently for a minute or so.
Using 1litre hot stock (chicken or veg) add a ladleful of stock at a time, stirring the rice mixture until the stock is absorbed. Heat gently otherwise the rice will not cook enough. Stirring releases the starch from the rice and makes it creamy.
when approx 2/3rds through the stock, add the cooked, chopped chicken (HEXB) and peas. Add any fresh herbs you may have, thyme or parsley is good. Add the rest of the stock until finished.
Finally, if desired, add 28g per person of grated parmasan. (HEXA)
Yum Yum!!! Enjoy. xx