What have you lost? Check here! Very funny!

Me too Mandy!!! :) x
Hahaha! OMG!

I have lost an elephants penis and a human head!!

I am still unsure how I obtained these items in the first place though. I mean, I think I still have my head, so did I lose someone elses head and a elephant penis?! :rolleyes:

B x
Not on the list, but my best friend (who started a facebook group today to try to get me to smile in photos), weighs what I have lost.

So I have lost my best friend!
on ll ive lost a elephatns penis and 2 gunine pigs!!

and over all since i started dieting ive lost 87lbs so 3 lbs away from a new born calf...flipping hell!!
Bald Eagle and Guinea Pig - in 10 days. I like this game.
Now lost "the fats and oils an average American eats in a year + "a rack of barbeque ribs"

and imagining those two things combined has put me off food for another week at least! :p