What is Slim and Save?


Gold Member
Hiya :)
Im really intrigued as to what exactly this is? I presumed it was a TFR but in my rooting around here Im seeing talk of veg and meals? I did a Google but i don't really get it? Im currently on Lipotrim is it roughly the same? Thanks a mill :)
Oh my god I've just been able to get prices up in euros and it's nearly half the price of Lipotrim! :O could this be too good to be true?! Really looking forward to hear from you all!
Its a VLCD just like LT but they have meal packs too

The FAQ sticky explains everything
It's 4 packs as a TFR, or you can have 3 packs plus protein if you prefer. Then you can have a small amount of skimmed milk and 200g of specific vegetables on either plan but these are both optional. So if you need the discipline of a TFR you can do that with 4 packs and nothing else, but it you want some flexibility and want to be able to have a little real food then you can do that too. You can have 4 packs one day and 3 packs plus protein another, so it's quite flexible and there should be an option for everyone.

The mealpacks include shakes, bars, soups and meals (like spag bol or mushroom pasta). So it you want to do shakes only you can or you can include soups, meals or whatever and still do TFR.

As Starlight says have a read of the FAQs:

The sticky will explain much better as Starlight says, however

You can do 3 packs per day, plus 100g protein (chicken/fish) and 200g veg
4 packs per day, 200g veg
Plus you get 150ml skimmed milk a day too.

Packs incluude the milkshakes, bars and spag bol, mac cheese, chilli, porridge
Oh wow, thanks so much everyone! Really appreciate it! This is amazing..... I know it sounds mad but Im wondering is there a catch? Is the weight loss similar to LT? It seems it would be a lot easier to stick to than LT!? Wow, saving is exactly what i need right now-and slimming! Is it possible I've found the perfect diet :)
I've done both LT (a few years ago) and S&S and lost fantastic amounts on both. The losses on both should be largely similar, and I find that S&S is easier to stick to as you can have a small protein / veg meal and stay on plan so it makes eating out etc. a whole lot easier. Even if you are only having the mealpacks the addition of some veg makes a big difference and doesn't add much to the calorie count.