What made you start????????????????

Aww thanks Lizzie. I'm sure if I asked my mother now what her motives were, she'd say she was doing it for my own good. Unfortunately, she wasn't. She was very cruel with her comments which, of course, only made me feel worse and eat more. I was probably about a size 16/18. She made me feel like I weighed 30 stone - I was around 12 stone. She gave me grilled beefburgers, tomatoes and Energen Rolls, which had the consistency of fibreglass - every night.
Hi all!
Just got in and reading all the responses to my question - feel quite emotional now :(

Everyone has their own reason why they are doing this and all are equally important. But we all have a common goal. Thanks so much for sharing your stories with everyone, I think it's good to hear other peoples feelings as it helps to be understanding of others feelings :)

Good luck to everyone who logs into minimins in achieving their goal by whatever method and for whatever reason. I am sending big hugs :) xx
Hi All...

I love this thread too, its really interesting to hear what motivates different people.

I've been overweight since I was a teenager and although I have gone through periods of feeling down about it, I've been fortunate enough not to worry about it too much. Until last Summer. I went to Cornwall with my family... in the gorgeous sunshine... (yes there was a little bit last year) we went to the beach so that my little boy (he was two at the time) could build sandcastles etc. The beach was packed... full of people in bikin's, swimsuits and shorts. ME - I WAS IN JEANS. :eek: I hated my legs so much I went swimming in the sea with jeans on!!! :cry:

How STUPID... :mad: from that afternoon, I vowed to do something... When I got back from holiday I found a Lighter Life Counsellor and booked in within the week. I've since switched to Cambridge and have just bought myself a Tankini for my holiday in Mexico at Easter... and I will be back on the beach in Cornwall in July, NOT IN MY JEANS....:D
Ive decieded this time im going to do it because im so unhappy with my body.Im 26 a size 26 and although im in a happy relelationship i feel id get more from it if i was more happy with myself.
Plus the fact i went to tesco and could hardly fit behind the table in the chair as it was a fixed chair :(
Fun1uk, I can only speak from my own experience and I can pass on some of my daughter's thoughts too: this diet is the best thing ever. We've been on it since 2nd January and our losses have been fast and consistent. My daughter suffered a little at the beginning; she wasn't well and considered giving up, but as her weight came off she felt more optimistic and motivated. since starting she has lost 27lbs.

For me, I had never stuck to a diet before. I'd always given up within a couple of days. This time, due to health problems, I decided to try Lipotrim. The worst time for me was the first day, probably due to coming off white bread and sugar. Since then I haven't looked back. I started off a size 22 in clothes and yesterday I had to buy size 18 jeans - in six weeks. I've lost a total of 26lbs.

Of course your weightloss may be greater or smaller, but Lipotrim guarantees a stone a month. I've found it surprisingly easy; you might have a different experience. Whatever you decide, good luck and you'll get loads of support on this forum.
Felt sooo sorry for a new person at work, health and safety have said they are ordering a custom chair as the standard ones are too small. She was so upset and has now decided to go on a diet - told her to join this site for support :)
Henpom my childhood sounded similar to yours - ie: your mums own insecurities put onto you.
i was on limit bars aged 6 and 7, can you believe that? She used to take me to the slimming clubs with her, so I knew all about calories from a very early age -- and what this achieved for me was a very bad image of who i was that has lasted till now. And when I was a kid I wasnt fat, I was a bit chubby but probably well normal, plus I was big built - I thin because my 2 siblings were always on the light side and differently built from me, then somehow losing weight would make me look like them!

i think they new no better - did alot wrong, but with no ill intent, but if they new then how it would effect us then i bet they would have just let us be.
hi all,.

great to read all your stories they are they make me feel like im not alone and that im with people that understand how i feel instead of being with people who think they know what its like to be this way am i making sense or just rambling !!!! Anyway my story ive been fat since the age of 8 and i have been dieting since the age of 10 im now 38 years old !!! Through out my life my weight has been up and down my best weight was when i got to 10st 12lb and was a size 12 clothes that didnt last long because i hit that weight in july and by september my thyroid had broken down and was dignosed with a underactive thyroid by xmas i was 14 stone sleein constantly my hair was falling out and i felt like sh*t !! I managed to get down to 11st 7lb with the help of a diet pill called reductil the doctor perscribed for me then i met my husband moved in with him changed doctors and the new doctor wouldnt let me have any more ive been with my husband 4 years now and i worked out that i have put on aprox a stone for every year ive been with him, then dec 2006 i gave up smokin did that with no problem at all !! put on about a stone and a half within the year. tried every diet was doing ww untill i started lipotrim never lost more than 4lb on ww to much choice I couldnt understand if i had the will power to give up smokin why couldnt i diet i now know why if i can have a bit of something i want the LOT!!!! but with lipotrim no food means NO FOOD!!!! so it easy just eat or drink what you are given. This is my 1st week and sometimes found i really hard i get weighed on monday morning cant wait just hope i have lost enough to warrent carring on i hope so u see when you have a underactive thyroid your metabolism is quite slow, my metabolism is currently 24 hours behind my husbands u may be askin how does she know this trust me you dont want to know hahaha !!!!

A friend at work told me about lipotrim ive never done a meal replacement diet before thought they were stupid cos when you started eating properly you would put all the weight back but what really swayed me was the re feedin program it gives you a great guidline.

So this is my last ditch attempt to get back into my size 16 u see i dont want to be super skinny thin i just want to be comfy hahah.
good luck babyboosweets - you will do well if you stick with it. It's a great diet cos as you say there is no misunderstandings and no margin for getting it wrong - no food and thats it! That's why it's good for me cos I can't just eat a little I always go over the top and binge. Good luck and keep posting so we can see how you are doing :)
hiya daisybank,

I will keep posting i live for this site its great reading about you all and seeing how you have all done when i get board and want to eat i get on here and have a read and post and while my fingers are typing they are not wrapping them selves round a choc bar !!!!! hahaha !!!!
I am not on LT but I still use the site to log on to avoid the fridge...its great!!!!!

This is what made me start! When I saw this photo I nearly died.

You can check out my other photos by clicking on my "gallery" photos!
What tipped me over the edge was trying on a faithful pair of jeans at christmas. To my horror I could hardly get them over my bum. These jeans seemed to be magic and would fit me no matter what. I burst into tears. I am not a person who cries easily, but I was inconsolable. That was it. I decided then and there that my new years resolution was to go on LT and lose the weight. I knew the diet worked cos an aunt has done it and lost a lot of weight and kept it off. Any way after losing almost 2 stone the said jeans are now quite baggy and I've got to wear a belt with em.. the only trouble is when they no longer fit because they are too big; maybe I'll give them a ceremonial burning; not sure yet. 6th weigh in tomorrow, hope I'm into the 10stones, here's hoping!!
At the end of 2006 I realised how unhappy how I was - I was only 20, but felt like I didn't have much of a life, and put this down to being very overweight. I have been big all my life really, but never had the commitment and determination to actually do something about. I realised that being the size I was was affecting lots of aspects of my life - from where I could buy clothes from, to what I could wear, as well as worrying about fitting in seats etc, that no-one else had to ever give a thought to. I didn't want to live being controlled by my weight. I knew I would struggle to stick to any formal diet plan, so decided to make some changes that would be for the long-term - to eat less/more healthily, and to exercise more. 14-15 months on and I've just passed the 6 stone mark. Not impressively quick I know, but I'm hoping it will mean I can keep it off for good. My BMI is still just a smidgen over 30, and still have another 3 stone to lose before I decide whether I need to lose more. Each time I have to throw away a pair of jeans because they're too big reminds me why it's all worth it!
D'oh didn't realise I was in a Lipotrim forum when I wrote my last post - still finding my way around! Sorry!
Hey squidgster - it doesnt matter where you post - its a question that applies to everyone - thanks for sharing your story and good luck in reaching your goal :)
Hi what made me finally decide to lose the weight was a hospital visit! I went to book in to have some investigations under GA, The nurse weighed me and when my BMI was 31 she looked confused and said they don't normally give a GA to people with BMI over 30!! I know i had put weight on but didn't know i was that much over weight that the hospital would reject me!! They actually decided that they would do it as i didn't look too over weight apparently, but that did it for me!! I had a text a few days later from a friend tellng me about her new diet.......i was at my pharmacy within days and its the best thing i have ever done!! WOOOHOOO xxx