I want to be fit and healthy; to be able to run around and do whatever I want. To not be limited in what I do, by how ridiculously unfit I am.

To be able to walk at a reasonable pace, and go somewhere with my friends without thinking/knowing that they're deliberately slowing down to a snail's pace in order to accommodate me, or that I've turned down social events because they involved walking somewhere (I've done that before).
To be able to wear pretty clothes and look good in them. OK, personally, I wouldn't wear miniskirts etc because I've never liked the thought that someone can see my underwear... but I'd like to have the *option*, at least, to know I'd look good in one.
To be invisible,blend in, be part of the crowd - a normal size. Just your average, normal-sized girl walking down the street, who you wouldn't notice unless I'm doing/saying something to attract attention.
To have a neck. I HATE my double chin, it's huge. I want a neck, and a normal chin, rather than just the huge lump of fat beneath my face that ruins every photo. I hate it, and think it makes me look even fatter. I envy several other overweight girls I know, purely because they don't have a double chin like mine. In a headshot, you wouldn't guess how big they are.

To be able to go on rollercoasters and other rides, without worrying if I'll fit on or not.
To be able to argue with someone and not have their immediate response be, "Blah blah blah/argument... you fat (insert insult here)", as if my weight alone invalidates everything I've just said.
To not get hot and sweaty at the slightest exertion.
More money. The less money I spend on stupid binges and general snacks, the more money I'll have to spend on things I actually want/need.