Ack! My DD went to her Other Grandmother's (ex's mum) this weekend and came back with a giant box of Quality Street for me, the woman doesn't know I'm on a diet (unless DD said so, which I doubt) but it's the sort of thing she'd do anyway - she also sniped at me about how The English (she's from France) make her laugh because they think it's summer now and go out without coats, of course DD and I weren't wearing coats... I have cognitive problems and forgot to bring DD a coat yesterday when I went to collect her, as it was actually a bit chilly(but tbh she wouldn't have worn it anyway as she only wears coats under extreme duress) but of course Saint Nanna had kept a jumper from last time because she knew I'd not bring anything and started making snippy comments about it being The Mother's Job to make sure they were Wrapped Up Warmly etc. I couldn't be bothered to point out that actually, DD is old enough to decide whether or not to wear a coat, and being chilly is a good way for her to learn that it's a good idea to bring a coat with her (and she's not about to catch pneumonia from being out on a light-jacket-day in a long sleeved top). Mind you, the woman used to beat her son up, so, you know, I don't really have much patience for taking parenting criticism from her... It's easier just to keep quiet and smile and nod and then ***** about her to my friends...