Whats for breakfast?

Porridge sachet with 170ml semi skimmed milk 1 tsp sweetner, 1/3 tsp cinnamon and blueberries and a large mug of coffee with skimmed milk.
weetabix minis with blackberries, grapes and an activia vanilla yoghurt :innocent0002:
bowl of spicy veg soup with a wholemeal roll

whoops that's my lunch not my breakfast lol, had a bowl of fruit with yogurt for breakfast
I forgot to eat because I was in such a rush this morning :( I ended up having some cold chicken breast and a cucumber for my breakfast as it's all I had in the fridge at work that wasn't for my lunch! Still feeling a tad hungry though :( may have to go and buy a Tilda rice packet!
Porridge & skimmed milk followed by a coffee..lovely for a cold wet morning!

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Today I had banana with banana and custard mullerlight... A gorgeous flavour if you like sweet :)
Most mornings I have fruit and a mullerlight, weekends I tend to have something cooked like a bacon sandwich/eggs/beans or a fry up :) healthy ofcourse!