Barmel said:just had beans, grilled bacon, fried mushrooms (in frylight), 60g of wholemeal bread with tiny amount of butter which I synned and scrambled egg mmmm mmmmmmmm, now can anyone tell me whether any of that was my superfree cause I forget what I am allowed
hi ya, are these a he? If so how much please? Saw the choc an orange in aldi yesterday was so tempted to buy them but didn.t!thanks
Yeah they are a HEX B
It's 35G Nestle Shreddies, Coco/Original. I don't think the Orange ones are included :-( xx
What's this magic porridge?
Porridge oats mixed with a mullerlight and left over night to soften xx
Bacon sandwich, pineapple and now about to eat some of my Syn free lemon roulade- feel like a right pig but its all free and HEX's!!
It doesn't use yogurt- it uses Quark, you have to make sure you whisk it well.I kept looking at your lemon roulade pic yesterday and drooling!! Off out to get ingredients for that soon. Does the yogurt not curdle in the oven? x
It doesn't use yogurt- it uses Quark, you have to make sure you whisk it well.
If you doing the coconut version I'm not sure x
Ooh! I must try this. Is it nice? Do you have it cold the next morning? xx
Some people put it in the microwave but bleugh to that! I have it cold and most others do too. I like to grate an apple through it and having that soak through with vanilla yogurt and then add blueberries when about to eat. Or toffee yogurt and sliced banana. So many different combos! Give it a try - if you don't like it then it's only 35g of oats and one yogurt wastedxx
cooked breakfast today, yum yum