Whats for breakfast?

ransom-x said:
Had a bit of a pig out this morning went for srambled eggs (2), with onion and tomotoe mixed in for 1/3 superfree, on wholemeal toast! Was stuffed!

Gosh. I'd have counted that as a normal sized breakfast. Love scrambled eggs
dean182 said:
Hope I'm not going to sound really dumb but what is magic porridge?

It is porridge oats made with a tub of say mullerlight yog and then chucked it the fridge overnight.

I grate apple into mine with a vanilla yog and then stir blueberries into it or use a toffee yog with banana :)

HTH x x
Well I had 3 potatoe cake/rostii thingies and half a small tin of spaghetti hoops at half 7 and at 10 oclock I blummin starving!!! think i need to find a more sustainable breakfast :(
hunca said:
I do 28g oats mixed with 2 activia fat free yogurts & left in fridge overnight.

I do this but with 28g bran flakes and natural yoghurt with strawberris i even put a little smidge of honey in somedys. Its yummy xx
MalibuStacey said:
Well I had 3 potatoe cake/rostii thingies and half a small tin of spaghetti hoops at half 7 and at 10 oclock I blummin starving!!! think i need to find a more sustainable breakfast :(

I always try having bran flakes or weetabix for breakfast with ff yoghurt. Slow release energy for brekkie. Try that and see how you feel xx
Sylver said:
Isn't porridge in the syns category? (I'm doing Extra Easy) It's not listed on my printout of Healthy Option Bs so I assumed that meant it was syn valued?

Oats so simple origional sachet is a hexB x
I do this but with 28g bran flakes and natural yoghurt with strawberris i even put a little smidge of honey in somedys. Its yummy xx

sorry if iam being thick but you do you make it up as in put the oats and yoghurt together, microwave and then put in fridge overnight then eat?
I just measure 28g oats & mix in the yogurts, refridgerate over nite & voilà :)
I only do green days so unsure what u r allowed on EE
I always try having bran flakes or weetabix for breakfast with ff yoghurt. Slow release energy for brekkie. Try that and see how you feel xx

Me and dairy arn't the best of friends so I struggle with cereal and milk or yoghurt, which is shame because I love the new muller yogurts but they don't love me back lol.

Does anyone know the syn value of oat bran? I don't know if I can treat it the same as porridge oats with respect to HEx because I could have that with water.

Malibu xx
debtin said:
sorry if iam being thick but you do you make it up as in put the oats and yoghurt together, microwave and then put in fridge overnight then eat?

I dont microwave it. I pour yoghurt over the oats, add the strawberries. And just pop in the fridge x
I had magic porridge (HExB) made with a shape delight apple crumble yoghurt (0.5) as we had no other yoghurts in the house
Sylver said:
Isn't porridge in the syns category? (I'm doing Extra Easy) It's not listed on my printout of Healthy Option Bs so I assumed that meant it was syn valued?

Yes 28g porridge is a HEXB on all plans but strictly speaking you should have a Scanbran with it or at some point during the day for it to qualify properly as a B choice as porridge alone doesn't contain enough fibre! X
Oats so simple sachet(hrxB) and 180ml skimmed milk (hexA) with a teaspoon of honey(2syns) xx