whats for lunch

A simple but tasty lunch today! Ryvita topped with red pepper and chilli Low Low spread, yum :)
Savoury Rice with 40g reduced fat cheddar (HEXA), peppers, onions and a banana afterwards
Having a hungry day today and fancied something stodgy so had 2 slices toast (HeB) with plum tomatoes and cheese (HeA) on top grilled, with big mug of tea, lovely!!
Lunch is my main meal of the day so chargrilled chicken, roasted veg and mixed salad with a cheeky blob of sweet chilli sauce (1.5 syns) followed by a low fat strawberry yogurt :)
2 x Ryvita topped (1/2 HExB) topped with red pepper and chilli Low Low (HExA), some fruit and 1 x rocky road HiFi Light (1/2 HExB) :)
Leftover rice with mixed vegetables (peas, sweetcorn, peppers and onions) with Maggi Liquid Seasoning
White fish fillet with onion/pepper/tomato/mushroom sauce baked in the oven with grated mozzarella on top with roasted veg and mixed salad. This was all leftovers and served cold. Absolutely delicious especially as it is over 30 degrees here today :D