Cheese omelette, tinned spaghetti, SW wedges. Was yummy and my wedges actually crisped up for a change! Did them with whisked egg white, instead of Frylight.
Inspired by this thread, I'm just going to brave the rain and go to JS to buy a hot chicken, which I'm going to have with crispy bacon and salad. Might top it off with a HEX portion of Parmesan savings.
Today I'm going to have some leftover shepards pie from last night.
It's packed with superfree but I think I might add some more on the side. (Trying to up my superfree at the min!)
6 Finn thin crips, tomato & basil mugshot with chopped carrots. Also going to have a bowl of melon, strawberries & raspberries with a vanilla Muller later.