Haven't done this for ages but in the oven as we 'speak'. It's a spicy tuna bake and it's really tasty. It serves 3 and, if you use the cheese as part of a HEX, it's Syn free.
1 tin of chopped tomatoes 1 tbsp. tomato puree
1 tin of tuna in water or brine, drained Dash of Worcestershire sauce
About 200g wholewheat pasta 2 cloves of garlic, crushed
1 onion, finely chopped 3 rashers of smoked bacon, all fat removed
6 mushrooms, sliced 50g crumbly cheese
1 chilli, deseeded and finely chopped 1-2 tsp. chilli powder
You just cook the pasta till it's soft but not soggy. Spray a large pan with Frylight and cook the onion, chilli and garlic until the onions are soft (I usually cheat and use frozen onion 'cos it softens easier in Frylight). Add the mushrooms and chilli powder. Cook this for about a minute and then add the tomatoes.
Grill the bacon till it's crispy, then cut it into strips. Add the puree and quite a good dash of Worcester sauce. to the pan. You can add more chilli powder in now, if you like it spicier. Simmer it over a low heat for about 5 minutes, then drain the pasta and add it to the pan, with the flaked up tuna too. Mix it all together, then put it in a casserole dish. Crumble or grate the cheese over the top. Put the bacon strips on top of this and cook at 200C/Gas 6 for about 10 minutes or until the cheese looks golden.
It's so nice! Only a couple of minutes to go before I serve it up!!