whats for lunch

change of plans, im having creamy mash, with tuna, peas and red onion.. topped with cheese MMMMMMMMMMMM

reminds me of what my mum used to give me as a kid haha
Re: whats for lunch tomorrow??..

Maybe Bachelors pasta, although my boyfriend may be treating me to lunch out so maybe a stir fry - one of my faves!
I have made my lunch ready for uni tomorrow: SW falafel, with Ainsley Harriot Roasted Veggie cous cous (1/2 syn) with a salad and some fruit :)

Lunch is the meal I struggle the most with on the go :/
This evenings left over slow cooked gammon joint with salad, a fat free activia yoghurt and maybe some fruit. So, all free.
Leftover minestrone soup from yesterday (seeing a very definite soup theme here at the mo!!)
Dark rye rivitas, with light chilli Philadelphia with mixed salad.

Then an alpen bar for desert :)
hm syn free veggie soup!!
I'm currently roasting some butternut squash, onion, pepper and carrot which I'll whizz up with some tinned tomatoes and chilli flakes to make a lovely warming soup :)
I know it's grim outside but I had salad. With two ham mini quiches & some cold pork & some sin free chutney. Going to have a coffee & some sin free rice pud to warm me up now BBBRRR