Silver Member
Jealous, very jealous!
Super free stuffed butternut squash
Was this good ?? X
Did it taste nice? I saw it was a HEB in this months mag but always get wary when it comes to beef in a tin! x
The soup itself was quite nice (and the beef and veg were good chunks and well cooked), the dumplings didn't really taste of much, but then I suppose they don't normally anyway! Good and fillingx
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=108425"/> <img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=108426"/>
Where did you buy these? They look delish! I do luv a bit of fish
I got them at Morrisons I cant remember the price they were on offer last month. There are 2 per box and they are 7.5 syns each x
I assume Asda and Sainsburys will have them too hun - just checked they are £3 in asda
Don't live near a morrisons but will look out for them on my travels x
They have them in asda for £3.00 a box X