Silver Member
Must try this xxSlow cooker roast chicken with roasted butternut squash beetroot and carrots. (Sprayed with garlic fry light and sprinkled with a little salt, delish!)
Must try this xxSlow cooker roast chicken with roasted butternut squash beetroot and carrots. (Sprayed with garlic fry light and sprinkled with a little salt, delish!)
It was lovely!
I just chopped two small onions in half to make a base for the chicken to sit on, put it in breast down and switched on high for 5 hours. I used my turkey baster to suck out the juices half way through cooking and this made a really lovely stock which I used to make chicken and veg soup afterwards.
I was pleasantly surprised by how nice the roasted beetroot was too! not something I've tried before.
I tried it because I love those veg crisps you can buy which contain beetroot. I thought I'd roast them and see what happened.Never even heard of roast beetroot must try it.
I did the veg in the oven by the way, not in the slow cooker with the chicken. (Sorry, probably stating the obvious!)
Oh you'll have to post results.I have the mushy pea curry in the slow cooker with chicken. Never done this in the slow cooker before so here's hoping it turns out!
I'm having Hache steaks from Muscle food tonight tooPeri Peri Hache steaks from Musclefood tonight, with baked tattie, broccoli & beans.
Are you from Yorkshire lol xPeri Peri Hache steaks from Musclefood tonight, with baked tattie, broccoli & beans.