Knee high boots Kirsty:sigh: I miss those. Defo been there Big H. Dread dropping anything!!!!
Heres another I was thinking about today, this is for girls right enough, but when your boobs get too big to be comfy in bed at night, I spend about 30mins before I go to sleep trying to get them in a comfy position. Dunno if thats just me too.
Janey xx
Oh, thats nothing out of the ordinary my love, my boobs are TINY I mean, only just fill a BB cup but it still takes me at least an hour to get comfy with them at night.
And then my boyfriend, whom I hug from behind at night, rolls over and trappes one of them making me yelp.
And then it starts all over
Funny stuff.
I was looking around a trendy shop in my town and a girl said to her mate,"she's to fat to shop in here!" I said to her, I can diet, you'll be ugly all your life!
another one.Ever been on a bus seat?? OMG.I had to drop the car off at the garage for mot and come back later,so i got the bus home.Those damn seats would make kate moss feel fat i sat down and thought "where the hell is my other bum cheek gonna go"(slight exaggeration but you know what i mean)lol
Pmsl, ditto for airline seats!!!
Pmsl, ditto for airline seats!!!
Yeah, there's no-one really fit/ripped/hot/etc at any of the 3 gyms I go to.....especially not the sweaty heffer who keeps staring at me when I'm on the cross trainer.....oh thats a mirror.....
I am definitely looking forward to not having the worry about the airplane seats next time I go - it will be bliss!Yeah bunny it was the same for me on hols this year, it was girded on me and I was so uncomfortable but couldn't bring myself to ask for an extension. Pmsl at the sex thing. I'm scared to go on top in case I crush my husband. But it does limit you in that dept, definately.
I am definitely looking forward to not having the worry about the airplane seats next time I go - it will be bliss!
Know what you mean about going on top... I do go on top, but always feel awkward really, which is so annoying as it's my favourite position (at least it was when I was thinner!) - here's to better sex!! haha!