I used to have a t-shirt that read "Normal is a setting on your dishwasher".
Everyone's body is shaped so differently, and their faces carry weight so differently, that it's really hard to say. I think everyone looks their personal best at a different weight and size. Also, muscle tone and shaping your body that way can make a big difference to how you look. Someone who doesn't lift weights or do yoga might have very weak upper arms that can appear flabby, and they might think to themselves that they should lose more weight so their arms will reduce. When in reality, if they did some toning and strength training, their muscles would peek through and they would look instantly better without losing any more actual fat.
I think once you get to a weight and size where you think you look pretty good, but maybe not exactly as you want, you could consider doing spot toning at the gym or with exercise videos for a couple months, and see what kind of results they give you. I use upper arms as an example because that is the body part on me which I really have to constantly tone, or else they just turn right to flab and I look like I have gained weight when I haven't.