Whats occurring?

waiting for tea to finish cooking and after that I'll be getting ready to go running club. Need to get rid of whatever gain I've had over Christmas, I don't get weighed until Tuesday so don't know what damage I've done, I feel a bit bloated but not too bad.... we'll see on Tuesday how bad it really is. But I'm back on plan now and going to get my exercise started again :)
Walked to town to swap some hairdye (pillarbox red :eek: ) got sons birthday cards, wrapping paper etc, got a broken stud swapped in my ear @ piercers & bought little one some pants (I will get her potty trained if it kills me!) then went to asda & collected a parcel, then home, tidying, washing etc & planned meals for next few days for hubby to go shopping tomorrow :) going for a few red days coz green is making me bloated...
Walked to town to swap some hairdye (pillarbox red :eek: ) got sons birthday cards, wrapping paper etc, got a broken stud swapped in my ear @ piercers & bought little one some pants (I will get her potty trained if it kills me!) then went to asda & collected a parcel, then home, tidying, washing etc & planned meals for next few days for hubby to go shopping tomorrow :) going for a few red days coz green is making me bloated...

I know you're a virtual friend but I really did have you down as a pillarbox red kind of girl:rolleyes:
Ahhhhhhhh got it wrong, I think, I thought you had Pillarbox Red & was swapping it for something else, look forward to the pics:D

It's rose red (think names wrong - its pink!) at the minute but I daren't use it again because it stained the bathroom for weeks! This new one is proper red red :D


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ScarlettStar86 said:
Today should be interesting...got to work and little one can't bear weight on his leg, complained last night before i went home that it was a bit sore but now it's puffed up. Off to a&e we go!

Eeeek!! Hope all is ok!!
Taking kids for a walk in woods & to jump in some puddles! (Guessing baths for everyone when we get home) bacon sandwiches for late breakfast:) shopping then making a stew for dinner later

Edit: yes baths were needed...


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How did it go Jenna?

Currently wondering if i will be more comfortable on the sofa or in bed as ive wrenched my back god knows how!!!! It even hurts to sit on the loo
Watching The Biggest Loser while eating a mince pie. Winner.
Morning cuppa time :) love getting up and having a quiet cuppa and catch up while everyone else is still in bed!
Not got anything interesting planned for today(or tomorrow!) need to clean the oven though as all that greasy food over xmas seems to have left it in a right state and also need to pick up few things from supermarket. Other than that just bits and bobs washing etc round the house trying to get back into routine so am ready for a whole weeks work next week but also trying not to do too much ha ha
I've woke up today feeling quite refreshed for a change, my back is still sore but will be seeing the doctor then I'm going swimming. Also going to pop into asda for a few sw bits then take our Xmas tree down.
still undecided about what to have for dinner tonight though. xxx
I'm just having a cuppa tea and a bacon sandwich. Already been busy this morning getting my sons stuff ready for him to go to his dads, been to the shop and will be going on my driving lesson at 11:30. When I get back I will be getting my daughter ready and we are going to my dads... then who knows what the rest of the day will bring.
Really wanted to just stay in all day and watch the CITV old skool day!