Last night me & DD spent the night looking for accomodation for our hols in December, we were going to stay at Liki Tiki (I know it sounds like an adult only place!), we're in the process of gathering info & then will tell our OHs where we are staying. We've also tried, not sucessfully, to get grandsons mum to agree for him to take time out of school to come with us. Last year BF asked if it would be ok & she said yes, now we are going to book the holiday she said no, grrrrrrrrrrr how can you do that to a child, say yes you're going to Florida then change your mind, it's causing us all so much grief, it's like she holds all the strings, well she does, (this is sounding like a DYJHIW!). Anyway, we're still hopeful & looking for kiddie suitable accomodation.
Today, work, my colleague is off today, yippeeee, so I'll get lots done & no moaning. Really need to make the effort to walk to work & cycle home, I left my bike a work a few weeks ago & it won't fit in the back of the curtesy car I've still got, it's been 3 wks now.