Killing time till its time to go and get my train to London wish had booked earlier train now ha ha looking forward to seeing my sisters new flat and a meal with her this evening
Oh how nice, I love my sister & would be so looking forward to time alone, have a wonderful time.
I'm super excited at the mo (aren't I always!!), I've got DD 21st in March, one of my best friends birthday's & my step-dad's birthday in March. I've ordered DD some Pink Hunter's wellies which I just know she'll love I can't wait to see her face; my best friend has Hunters wellies & I've bought her some socks to go with them, apparently that's the thing to do! and my step-dad who is in a nursing home, I've bought toiletries & a cardi, can't wait for it all to happen.
Not forgetting our meet up, can't wait for that either.
So plans for today, my work colleague is off on hols today & doesn't work Friday, so peace & quiet there, she's had PMT this week & OMG I've been the brunt of it, I can't say anything as she is very sensitive at the best of times, she's really tried my patience this week.
Tonight we're off to Sainsbury's to get our passport photo's so I can send passports & visa application forms off tomorrow, already got my malaria tablets, my holiday is really coming around very quickly.
Don't think anything else exciting/interesting is happening in my life right now, but who knows it could all change, I do have a dabble with the euro lotto on a Friday