Had a real melt down today! :S Fed up of being taken for granted re housework. There are three of us who live in the house, my partner, my 26 year old daughter and myself but, I can honestly say, there's only ever me who notices when things need doing or who does the boring routine jobs like vacuuming the house from top to bottom, cleaning the bathroom, etc! I'm the only one who is constantly ill, at the moment but, I'm also the only one who lifts a finger! Don't want sympathy, just help and a bit of acknowledgement! My daughter has a horse and my partner has just started riding lessons so, on a daily basis, where my daughter's concerned, sawdust is walked through the front door, so on into every room in the house! The only non-riding one of the three who ever notices it and does something about it, is yours truly!!
Got the vacuum out this morning to take upstairs to begin the cleaning of the whole house, opened the lounge door and was confronted by loads of sawdust and muddy riding boots just dumped in the middle of the floor, leaving marks on the carpet. Well, I'm afraid I just burst into tears! Decided to ignore it to show them both when they eventually returned from their pursuits but, by the time I'd done upstairs and cleaned the bathroom, I knew I'd have to do it, otherwise it'd tread everywhere and undo all my hard work.
Well, by the time they came in I went berserk! I was crying and shouting and waving my arms about - must have looked like a mad woman!

I hate confrontation and think this may have contributed to the situation. By staying quiet for so long, I think they probably imagine I actually enjoy doing nothing but housework (if they think at all)! Anyway, at least they had the grace to look remorseful and apologised so, we'll watch this space! An example of their thoughtlessness was one time when the loo had blocked so we had to call in Dyno-Rod. The OH said, 'I bet they have to go into some filthy bathrooms.' That was another time I had a fit, when I shouted at him that 'so would ours be bloody disgusting if it wasn't for me!!!!' The worse thing is, before he moved in with me, he was really proud of how clean and tidy he kept his flat! So much for equality - why do housework when you have a woman on tap?! There'd better be some serious changes round here, from both of them!!

Sorry about the major rant but I feel so much better, getting it off my chest to my Mini's friends!
Kathy (alias, The Servant) xxx