Whats occurring?

Hi all

Well this morning I went to a different SW class & it was really nice, she did go round the group see who'd lost/gained, but it was done really well, she remembered everybodies name & what plans they'd had for the week etc I really enjoyed it & think I may switch class.

I've already had a bit of a 'OMG' moment, I need to start taking my malaria tablets today & couldn't understand what & when to take, but now I've gone back to it, it all becomes very clear, phew. I've just having a chill whilst my hair dye is on, then shower, & start making cards for my friends wedding nxt wk & neice & nephew's birthday, off out for tea with OH & MiL not too sure if DD is joining us. Then usual wine & chocs tonight, oh yes that on top of pudding:rolleyes: Tommorrow packing for hols, but seeing as I'm only taking a handluggage bag probably take all of 5 mins, lol.

So what you all up to then? x

Glad the new group was good!
Malaria tablets? Are you going on holiday then? :p
Nothing our blinds, curtains, doors are all closed and heating is on cause its bloody freezing, i keep checking the radiators to make sure they are on
We've been to our local Go-Outdoors store to change OH boots, we bought them in August last year & the eyelet has broken, the staff were all so lovely & helpful, such a welcome change.

I've still got my friends wedding card to make which I will do today, I've got ironing & still got packing to do, but I've made a start with that. OH goes to work about 3ish so I've the day to do whatever I want, put smelly candles on & just chill.
About to take my night pain killer to see me through, get changed and into bed. Really need to stop the late nights!! But enjoy time spent with hubby:heartpump:.. makes a change from him working all the time doing late/early shifts. Its amazing how you can miss 'together time' without realizing its even happened.... Its just from, well, life! Dont let the special times slip without realizing, make the time for them loved ones! :lilkiss:
Getting ready to take little one into school, hoping that he doesn't get too cold on the way in again today :( bless him.

Then I have to start getting the house ready for boyfriends parents coming on Friday... not sure what to do actually, as most things can't be done too early otherwise they'll need doing again by Thursday lol. But going to do a little bit of housework each day so its not a mad rush on Thursday. I'd leave it for boyfriend to do some Thursday night/Friday morning but he goes a bit mental when there's people coming over and just does all the wrong things, like he'll tidy little one's room when we have friends coming over (friends who won't be going in little one's room) and then he'll tidy downstairs when it's tidy and needs hoovering or the bathroom needs cleaning.... I actually had to point out to him once that we do not need to hide the kitchen hand wash away as noone will judge us for having it out on the side... it doesn't look untidy and actually personally I'd rather see that people have hand wash in the kitchen rather then it looking like they don't lol.
sitting watching game of thrones series 1 and just ate a fry up mmm mmmm
Love game of thrones :)

Good luck car, you can do it ;)

Been busy busy busy today sorting out clothes, then work, then sorting photo's out, just sat down for 10 minutes to have a cuppa and its nearly time to go get little one from school. If he'll let me I think I'll have a little nap when we get back, so tired!!!!