mrscullen said:Mmmmm pease pudding and ham in a stottiei miss living in whitley bay!!
Felix said:I would kill to have some stottie down here! OH is originally from Durham/Sunderland way and I love eating stottie when we go up to visit. Yum!!
joclairey said:Pease pudding is a free green food too people.
Bunny I can't believe you have never had it!
icklerockchick said:Never tried pease pudding but quite tempted to now! x
joclairey said:It's meant to be served with ham BunnyIt's a traditional accompiment to ham up here
The real stuff is nicer than the tinned, but the tinned stuff is fine too
joclairey said:LOL My Mum is a Suvvener BunnyMoved up here in the 70's before I was a twinkle in me Dad's eye!
They are 3 syns for the whole bagxx