When do you do yours?

Glad I'm not the only one ranting Chocko but sorry you are stressed too!
Mine often leave cupboard doors open and think I'm just going on but I'll come back from my swim on an evening say and the kitchen light will be on , blind up and and cupboard open for all the close to see and that's before I get in and see all the crumbs on the side!
I don't think I expect too much but a little more than I get would be nice!
I think my daughter will be the same as yours was when she gets her own place but she doesn't see it here, she made herself breakfast and left the milk,butter mushrooms etc out and when I called her back she was like what stuff?! :rolleyes:
Bizarre isn't it!

They just don't get it, do they? They just think we're nagging and I say to them, if you just did it I wouldn't have to keep mentioning it! Grrrrr!
Loving the timer idea .....especially the thought of setting it for some of the others!

overwhelmed with the bomb site kitchen...all my own doing. felt myself gettin annoyed so set timer for 15min. was finished with 3 min to spare ha
Right now my home is a bit of a mess. I am tied up revising for tomorrows exam so everything else has had to take a back seat. It is not dirty just a bit unorganised. Oh and the dust is very present. I am very strict about the kitchen though so thats pretty clean and with only me keeping on top of washing is not an issue.
My plan is to attack it Thursday after my exam is finished so I can take down revision cards, put away books etc.
My worse room of all tho is my study. I am totally ashamed of it (I tend to use my dining room table for revision).

I always feel embarrassed though. My mum lives next door to me, so visits at least 5 times a week and her home is spotless. Although she tells me not to worry as she doesnt work and I do I can never feel 100% relaxed when my mums here - shame eh
I can't believe I've not seen this thread before.

I get up at 6:30 during the week, I make a brew, feed the cat & then get my lunch ready, I then clean until 7:30 so this morning I polished the living room, swept & mopped the floor in the living room, yes the bathroom, kitchen, dining room & bedroom need doing, but they will get done this week, sometime.

I don't stress about housework, it will wait for me! I'm lucky that Bob will put washing in & get washing out and seeing as he works shifts he always has my tea ready for me when I get home, this is a real help & I do appreciate it.

What he does do that irritates me is, put pots on the side instead of in the dishwasher, puts his recycle papers on the recycle bag & not in the bag, grrrrrrrrrrrrrr but what I won't do & never have done is run around after him, I don't pick his washing up, put his pots in the dishwasher, put his papers in the bag & yes it is hard work, but long term it's easier for me I don't feel like I'm doing everything.

What I think is hard is remembering all the cleaning will wait for you & you need time to yourself, the world will not end if the bathroom doesn't get cleaned, or the bedding waits a day or two.

The only housework I do at the weekend is ironing, don't know why but I've always done it then.

And if this week, for whatever reason, something doesn't get done I leave it until next week!

I'm trying to get a bit more done during this week rather than let it build up so it won't have to all be done at the weekend.....we shall see!

outwith my timer (which i set the other day to see how long it took me to hang out the washing lol) i now know that things don't take as long as i thought. 15 min to wash all the floors so sometimes rather than let it build up i do it as and when i have spare time. tonight i did the dinners and lunches then went run. came back and sorted the kitchen out. sorted some washing and made tom dinner. quick tidy up and been in bed since 930. now that dinner is sorted for tom it will give me time to do some ironing tomorrow.not all of it but again 15-20 min worth means my days off won't mean time doing it all.
wee bits at a time emsie x
I do the housework whenever I feel like it. Throughout the week I always do some washing/ironing but its not until my day off that I do things like polish and Hoover and clean bathroom, change the bed sheets etc xx
I have no set routine. I hate housework and do it when it needs it, unfortunately i hate a mess though so I do get stressed. What doesn't help is the others leave pots on the side, never empty the dishwasher, never put shoes and coats away or take the recycling out!!!!

i do things when I can't bear it any more. The bathroom gets a clean more often and I always clean the kitchen surfaces down. It's taken me a long time to get like this, I used to do it, keep a very tidy house but living with two untidy people made it so hard, so I stopped.
I iron on a weekend ready for the working/school week.

Id much rather be in the garden pottering in the flower beds or greenhouse. Life's too short for scrubbing!!

My MIL and mum clean floors, bathrooms and kitchen daily - even if I didn't work I wouldn't do this.
I got back from work last night, having cooked tea before I went, to a stack of pots on the side, dirty surfaces and recycling stuff on the side.
I had to clear the lot up before I get my tea!!!!