Well one of our cats likes to think she's Tarzan, and tries to climb the dam thing then grabs onto one of the branches and sort of swings from it...
Plus they like chasing the baubles round the floor and quite often knock them behind the tree, and last year we didn't realise and when we took the tree down to put away, there were about 8 baubles hiding there...
Regardless of how many times I have to get her down from the tree and have to stop the others biting the fake branches, Christmas would not be Christmas in my house without the tree up asap.. (though granted sometimes I do feel like strangling the little devils lol)
First week of December. Though this is my first year In my first home with my bf
and we don't even own a tree yet! But I'm such a big kid. I'd have it up In November lol
My tree goes up Xmas eve comes down boxing day, any longer and dusting it takes hours
wont put ours up unitl we are at least into december,but the girls will be nagging to do it on the 1st LOL
They still beleive in santa too,the eldest is 10,tho I am not completely sure if she may be just humouring me !!
Well my dad told me (when I was younger) that I had to pretend that Santa existed for my sisters sake (she is 3 years younger then me) or else there would be no presents under the tree from Santas replacements, Mum and Dad...
I actually believed him, how sad is that...
i have silly little traditions...one,i like to have a new gorgeous decoration for the tree or the house...i got a gorgeous glass slipper last year.
when i was little,my mum had a little tree on our landing.she descorated it really nice one year with various bits and lots of hanging coins,choco santas etc...
me and my brother had a secret midnight feast on all the chocolate on the tree,and we carefully hung the wrappers back onto the tree lol
my mum didnt notice until she went to dust around the tree...![]()