Silver Member
Bad isn't it! I have to say that I'm so used to it now that I kinda don't mind the daily fluctuations. I generally know before I get on cos I can tell if I feel a bit heavier or lighter! So I don't let the number get me down if it's up a little bit. If anything I make sure it encourages me to have a good day and not over-eat if possible. But whatever the lowest weight says whatever day I weigh, I take it LOL!
This is exactly what I do lol. Glad I'm not the only one. I find it quite interesting to see the fluctuations, it usually correlates to something I did wrong the day before (not enough water, too much salt, not enough exercise etc) and I've actually found it really helpful to make sure I don't carry on making those mistakes. It's quite rare I gain without a reason.
But I think morning weigh ins are the way to go, too many variables if you do it later in the day I reckon.