When the going gets tough.....the tough get slimmer

not been too good today and haven't really kept track very well either :( Hopefully it won't do too much damage as really want a loss this week, feel i need it to keep me motivated!

Got a busy weekend this week so prob won't do brilliantly but don't want to feel like crap so hopefully that will stop me going mad xx
Fell into a bag of minstrels last night and couldn't get back out :(

I seem to do so well in the day but once hubby goes to bed i seem to crack! Cheese and crackers, doritoes, minstrels......whatever i shouldn't buy any of in the first place. It's almost like i think 'no one can see me so the calories don't count' what a dingbat!!!

So instead of hoping for a loss this week i'm praying for a STS and not a gain :)
I was the same last night with the cadbury timeout bars. Don't worry hun, just forget it ever happened. xxx
Well i managed not toeat any naughties last night so that's one point to me :D Also not over eaten today despite being home alone all day so feeling pretty good bout it all !!

Have miraculously stayed off the scales all week so have no idea what to expect at weigh in tomorrrow!!! Scary!!!
OMG I actually lost the 2lbs i wanted too and i'm in shock!!!

I had convinced myself that i'd at least stayed the same after a couple of major fails on a few occasions :) I have now lost the gain from a couple of weeks ago plus another half a pound. Am now gonna be super good this week and aim for 2 more pounds! It can be done :D
Excellent! :D You can do it this week too :D
Thanks guys!!!

I really hope so :D 2.5lbs to reach novembers target will be awesome but seeing how naughty i've been i'm just happy to be under 150lb x
Well what a weekend!!!

Cinema to see breaking dawn on fri Stayed away from evil cinema food which is good because it would have reappeared during the birth scene -eeeewwwwwww!!!! seeing as i'm majorly pregnancy/childbirth phobic i may be over reacting but REALLY?!! ;)

Then last night went into ton for a 'few' drinks for a friends b'day hich turned into a few more and dancing til 3am!!! Now my feet are super sore and even though i'm not particularly hungover i'm still craving junk :( luckily i've not got anything in and i'm far too lazy to go to the shops :D

Hubby will prob bring home pizza or something later but hey ho thats life!! Have thoroughly enjoyed myself, shown a fair amount of restraint compared to usual and will be straight back on track in the morning. For now i shall enjoy my very rare sunday off with a few cheesy movies x
Sounds like a great night. I love it when things like that happen spur of the moment. The unplanned ones are always the best nights out.

Well done for being so good!! xx
Sounds like you had a good time!
Well haven't been super good or super bad today so shan't complain! Not really back into cal counting swing of things properlay and making a few bad choices but just don't wanna stress bout it!!

I do wanna lose this half a stone-ish to get to goal but don't want to feel deprived and even though i know i can eat very well on my allowance and am in no way deprived just can't get into the right head space!!! I know theres no rush tho and i don't feel like crying when i look in the mirror any more so the urgency has kind of gone.

Gonna re visit my goals and take it from there. Each day/week at a time and it will happen i know it :D
Feel like i've completely lost the plot :( I always lose 10lbs then go off the rails for months of STS before i start losing and i' determined not to fall back into that trap!!!

Haven't over eaten at all (yet!) but haven't counted any cals eaither which usually leads to over eating and over estimating!! Hope i don't get a gain on fri then only 4 weeks til xmas to lose as much as i can.

Though even as i write this i realise i had this exact same crisis of confidence this time last week and still lost 2lbs ;) Just gotta get used to not weighing every day i suppose x
Ganed 0.5lb this week :( Damn you totm!!!! And probably can blame myself for not being as good as i should be!!! At least it as only half i guess.

So 4 more weigh ins til xmas and i know i'm not going to make my 10st target because i can't see me losing 2lb a week with all the social events coming up and my severe lack of will power lately, so will adjust to 10st 5lb that's only 3.5lb-totally do able :D

Gonna change my numbers on here too just so i can finally have the satisfaction of seeing 0lb to go ;) Cheeky i know but whatever gets me thru!!
Had a bad weekend after such good intentions :( Went out for my mums belated b'day meal to an american diner type resturant where there isn't one good thing on the menu!! Settled for the chicken burger, didn't eat the bun but it did have bacon and cheese on it and only ate a few fries. Unfortunately managed to consume 6 glasses of wine and 2 double vodkas so woke up yesterday feeling awful!! Didn't do too badly yesterday but did have a curry from the chinese which wasn't even that nice but i was so hungry i ate the whole thing :(

Still feeling tired and run down this morning but it's all my own fault. Feel like i haven't felt 'well' in forever and it's really geeting to me. Off to doctors on thurs tho so maybe they can help! But as i can't really put my finger on whats wrong i'm not holding out much hopex
Have decided to cancel christmas this year as a particularly selfish member of staff (and her equally annoying boyfriend!) have decided she is unable to even work her usual shifts let alone anything extra over the festive period as she, and i quote, 'has a life,you know'!!!!!!! Like the rest of us don't?????

So that means i'm now working the full quota of festive days and if i hadn't put my foot down i would have been working 2 straight weeks without a day off!!! REALLY??! And my bosses reply was at least your not working all evenings too!!!!! Safe to say hubby isn't happy and i don't even feel like xmas is coming up now as it will just be another working week for me :( it's not like we even get paid any extra!

ok, rant over and on to the good news ;) we booked our flights last night for our trip to memphis/nashville/vegas and i'm gonna be away for a full 3 weeks in september so up yours crappy job!! sooooo excited it's gonna be immense. only 40 weeks to go.......think how skinny i can be by then :D

So as i won't be having ANY fun this festive season as of 1st december i'm back on the super angelic wagon to shift some flabbage! Instead of feeling in need of a detox come january 1st i will feel better than ever...........well thats the theory anyway x
last day of november today and having a few little treats as i'm fully back to it tomorrow-no excuses!!!!

Have 5 weigh ins in december and would be ecstatic to lose 2lb a week but will aim for 1lb a week and anything else is a bonus :) Really need to start drinking my 2ltrs of water again too as really been slacking and it shows :(

Got work in an hour-lets see what lovely surprises on the rota they've got for me today!!!! Got the doctors in the morning because i've been having palpitations and a funny ache in my chest for a week now! Am terrified it's something serious but if it turns out to be stress it can only be down to work/money which REALLY sucks :( Especially as i know i ain't got the metaphorical balls to stand up for myself and demand a change. Having no confidence is GREAT!!!!!!!
Lot's of love hun. Sorry things are so stressful. Great attitude for next month. I know you can do it. :)
Happy december people!!!!

Just back from the dr's and apparently i'm in perfect health :D Have got to go back for a blood test tho just to check for an overactive thyroid!!!!! Now if i'm the one person with an OVERactive thyroid who doesn't 'lose weight despite an increased appetite' I really do give up!!!! But to be honest she didn't seem all that concerned and it's just to rule it out really :)

Am hoping now i've been officially told i'm in full working order maybe the palpitations will chill out, if not i'm going back to demand something to chill ME the f**k out! Can't be doing with this anxiety all the time.

Anyway, first day of back on that wagon and doing good so far! Actually had fruit for breakfast!!!!!! Not saying i enjoyed it or will it be repeated but still......!! Going to help mum take the dogs to the hairdressers(?) in a bit and will prob stop for a 'coffee' (normally means a bacon sandwich for me :() so glad i saved cals on breakfast. I ill try and resist but if i can't will just count it as lunch as will be having an early dinner before work anyway, and all within alloance of course :D

Much love x
So glad you got the all clear hun. Maybe you need to get some "you" time though, and chill out a bit more. Maybe get some relaxation CD's for amazon or ebay, and put an hour or so aside everyday just for you. I know it sounds silly and you're probably thinking "where will I find the time?" But when you get anxious and panicky and have palpatations, it is your mind crying out for some rest. Maybe give it a try.

Nothing wrong with a bacon sandwich, as long as its counted! :)

Enjoy your day xxx