when weight loss is noticed !!

Vicky - I didn't say carb blow out, just that I'd eaten a non Dukan meal... I won't detail it here (in case anyone's hungry) but it was a salad, but with several banned ingredients in it. No dressing though. Drank water. And no dessert. And left the bread basket intact!
oooh yes Jet... when is it that you're off?
ah not too bad Jo :D
I'm actually quite pleased Vicky... yes the thought did cross my mind to have pudding (and I realised that my friend would nag, so I DID think of buying something on the way back to the office...). Then didn't.

So I'm pleased! With me it's more the behaviour that counts... cos once I start stuffing and hiding things, that's the worst! I'll be out of ketosis until Monday 2nd, so it's a good test of "real life" (again) for me...
good for you Jo.
sorry for not getting back ..........

1ST AUGUST for 2 weeks lanzorote !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!