omg! Kezzerbelle Whats ur real name i bet i know u i am a tadley girl all my life! Me and bye-bigun are meeting up next fri at sainsburys cafe for a coffee if u wanna join us?
Kerry Vincent. I haven't braved the Cafe yet. I grew up in Mortimer but became part of the Tadley massive 4 years ago. My little by goes to Tadley school. unfortunately i work all week. But would love to join for a weekend date . Ahhh nice to local people doing the diet. where do you get weighed. I am at morelands next to reading warehouse.
My OH is a mortimer guy! Hes a WArd theres tons of them around! Lol shame u work all week but i can do a weekend meet in 3 weeks time! What about u Donna when can u make it? We cud take kiddies to the park if its nice x
If its kid based too then I can pretty much do anytime, busy bee that I am.... Pmsl! A weekend would be nice with or without kids, adult coffee also good! Happy to go with the flow girls, Will be nice to meet some local peeps! Xx
Kerry ive added you on FB. X
Hey girls lets do sat 9th april and we cud either meet somewhere like JJ's in bstoke so kids can play while we chat away or we cud just meet at a lical park weather permitting what do u 2 reckon? How cool is this meeting likeminded people online who live next door more or less!