Gold Member
Distraction is going to be vital for me getting through this. I'm on my way home from town, not had a pack yet, just water and a coffee. Ooosh! 
GretaGrip said:Laura - trust me... at 9 stone something you feel as fat as you do at 10 stone and 11 stone and 12 stone and so on and so forth. I am sat here in size 8 jeans... trust me, I feel overweight. It is definitely all relative. I have realised that 9 stone 4 or so is the 'right' weight for me though... even these few lbs over feels like a massive gain.
But COME ON! Let's do this!
I have had a fruits of the forest shake and a bar. Unsure later whether or not to have a mint shake or a toffee and walnut one. I don't even make them as shakes... I blend the powder with a small amount of water and eat it with a spoon. It's what i did for 8 weeks last year. Weirdo!
I also have sachets of miso soup coming in at 20 calories so may have one later if I feel desperate
Ohhhhhh!!!!! My head is pounding im so hungry, im miserable, i do not see this lasting for 7 days - noway!!!!
Arrrrgh! Just had 2nd product, off to gym in an hour, then delicious s+s macNcheese to eat on my return!!!!! Help me guys........ X
littlemumma said:Eaten a bit of sausage that my son left!!!!!
Im at the gym right now, feel a little dizzyarrrgh will have my last pack about 7.30. Thing is i dont even like sauaages that much haha!!!
Well im not even gonna attempt to get in ketosis with this little stint..... Never gonna happen, i just hope if im gonna cheat its not on bad things. Gym done, last pack done, 3L of water done, bed soonzzZZ!