Where do i sign?!! Im in!!

I hope so just so confused. Wondering if my metabolism has had it from Cambridge!!!

I'm dreaming of pizza LM xxx
Sounds lush xxx


So what's the plan are u doing CD from tomorrow for a week? Xxx
Oh god 11st2 this morning. Rarrrr!!!

Oh i dunno babe, i was thinking of doin 2shakes a day plus alpen porridge for tea (love it) and 5 lots of fruit/veg..... Thats gotta be pretty low cal and low carb? For a week???? Cant start til monday though as its my babies party tomoro and i need to eat party food!!!!!!!!!!!
Thought I replied earlier stupid phone!!!!

What's alpen porridge sounds amazing xxx
Its got bits in i love the raspberry and apple one coz its got those chunks in and raisins too, pretty filling, not unhealthy and tastes quite good :) xx
Its got bits in i love the raspberry and apple one coz its got those chunks in and raisins too, pretty filling, not unhealthy and tastes quite good :) xx

I LOVE ALPEN it's like my fav thing ever so porridge version has me dribbling xxx

DAY 1 Of six day shake blast here we go xxxx
Good luck my lovely :) no idea what im gonna do yet, guess ill see what the damage is on tbe scalea tomoro after all the party food iv eaten today!!! My boy had a lovely party though :) god love him!!!!


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awww sooooo cute!! You best stop this im getting a little broody and thats unheard off!!!! loool xxx

So yesterday didnt got to plan ended up with maltesers in my gob!!!

New start today!!! Thinking of going back to see my CDC on Saturday for some motivation!! Running out of time big time!!
Haha !! Im very lucky with my boys, theyre both very good :)
Well i weigh in today at 11st 1, iv maintained this weight for a week - and rather than be annoyed im in the 11s again, im giving myself a pat on the back for being able to maintain! Iv eaten lots of treats (seriously loads!!) but also worked out hard and tried to eat well too.
Iv already had a buttercrem cupcake and its just gone 8.30!!!! I think til saturday im going to eat sensibley and excercise lots, and have a night off on saturday :)
yeah thats cool your doing so well just wish i was lucky as im maintaining and not eating any treats!!

Anyway onwards i go i guess.........im dreading getting into a bikini seriously!!
aw missie feeling bad for you but just remember a lot of the time the scales dont really help us! ive been back at the gym this week and calorie counting and the scales havent budged but i do feel m clothes getting looser so just try and look for other signs that your shape is changing. maybe take the batteries out of the scales for a while, measure yourself in cms not inches, try a certain pair of jeans or a dress on every few weeks to see the difference.

its important not to give up the gym as it really helps with toning so when you're burning fat, you'll be building muscle too. this may explain the scales, 5lbs of fat presents differently to 5lbs of muscle, fat is bigger and lumpier lol, making your body expand (i.e. get fatter!) whereas muscle is lean and takes up less space, so if you burn 5lbs of fat in a week but also gain 5lbs of muscle, you'll start to feel more trim but the scales wouldnt have moved, so this is why the scales are really not always the best measurement! xx
awww thanks lumps your great for making me smile!!! I have decieded im back onto CD this week if and still gonna go to the gym just maybe not go as crazy like twice a day lool!!

Feeling positive have to get this weight off im too scared to get onto the scales seriously!!!!!

I cant believe I am back here again a year later!!!
Feel sick :( two shakes down and gym done x
Do now think it was I'm so blimin hot in the office after gym xxx
Lol exactly xxx I'm shattered today too so feet up tonight it is!!!
Bit of the hills, corrie and eastenders lol x
My other half gets to eat all this in a couple of sittings plus rice and NEVER gets fat it's not fair :(


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