Where the bargains are at and anything else thats useful.

Definitely a mistake, but someone on Facebook bought like £74 worth of cheese for £12
For anyone who is a pepsi max addict like me Asda have 24 cans for £4 thats less than 17p a can, theyre 75p in works vending machine or 3 for £1 in poundshop
Definitely spending a good amount on those pepsi maxes, store up for the winter ;D And I won't feel so guilty about 'wasting' a can on 'diet coke' chicken :p
I opened my pack of pepsi max today and didnt realise theyre the "dumpy" tins - but still a bargain I think - sorry I hadnt realised when i posted yesterday
JMcK said:
Well spotted gettingfit! I just went to my local Tesco and bought some - thanks :) (Now to cut it up into 30g servings!)

Darn it my local have wised up! There's a big temporarily unavailable sticker lol

Tesco have boots reduced to £5.I was too slow.They only have size 3 and 5 left.

Clothing at Tesco | F&F Knitted cuff buckle detail boots > boots > Shoes > sale

Thank you, I've just bought these for my daughter for Christmas, such a bargin, I know she'll love them:D

Thanks :) just tried buying them online but the delivery page kept refreshing and wouldn't complete the payment :(

I tried paying with my debit card but it wouldn't accept it, I then tried with my credit card & payment was accepted, could this have been the same problem with you?

And I selected 'collect a store' so no P&P, bargin:D
Happy Holidays said:
I tried paying with my debit card but it wouldn't accept it, I then tried with my credit card & payment was accepted, could this have been the same problem with you?

Thanks. Unfortunately no more size 7's left :( x
Does anyone know if ASDA Extra Lean mince is still 3 for £10? Before I make a wasted trip there later on.
Thanks in advance. x