Where the bargains are at and anything else thats useful.

I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but Tesco has salmon at half price at the minute until 8th Sept on the fish counter - £1.50 for a piece.
I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but Tesco has salmon at half price at the minute until 8th Sept on the fish counter - £1.50 for a piece.

Oooh! I have frozen salmon fillets but nothing beats fresh! Ill have to pop in there next Saturday!!!
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Dunno if already been posted - baby Bels in tesco for£1
Any sign of the new toffee ones? I can't wait to try them!

I was shopping in Sainsbury's this morn and no sign of them, but I did spot them in Asda the other day.
Oh toffee ones, didnt know about them. My faves are coconut, hubby loves the lemon ones and he like the toffee mullerlights too. Think he will love the toffee greek ones. He is now pinching MY greek yoghurts, should have kept them in a little hideaway in the fridge. Ha ha. :)
Asda are still doing multipack muller lights all flavours for £2. They have the lovely greek toffee ones...I am forcing myself to have them as real treats they are gorgeous :)
The toffee ones are very rich hollys nan, I took them in little shot pots for our last taster night as they had just come out that week still nice though
Any sign of the new toffee ones? I can't wait to try them!

They have them in my local Tesco extra...2 packs for 4 pound.

I tried one tonight but I actually think I prefer the normal mullerlight toffee yoghurts xx