My first reaction to the question was that it's definitely for me, but maybe a little for others too, however losing it in a small way for others benefits me as well (if that makes sense).
I'll explain:
Up until the age of 16 I had always been a 'bigger' teenager, but at 16 the weight started melting off me and I became around a size 10-12. Once I hit 18 and went to Uni where I was cooking with 8 other girls and partying it slowly over 3 years crept up.
At the age of 20 I entered into what was then a happy relationship with the person I moved up to Birmingham to be with. There was a lot of stress at this time as my parents could see he wasn't good for me and me moving to be with him resulted in a lot of arguments with and bad feeling between me and my parents (which I still feel guilty for).
Once he had me away from my family, he had me under his control and the next 4 years of my life were some of if not the most unhappy of my life and they consisted of being with someone who drove a wedge bewteen me and my family, put me down constantly, blamed me for everything and mentally and emotionally abused me. Towards the end when he started calling me fat, telling me I didn't look good in anything, that he didn't love me etc food became a major issue for me and I would binge eat, constantly think about my next meal because no matter how healthily I ate he still didn't think I was trying hard enough so I thought why bother?
After many moves from his house to a house share, back to his house and then to another 2 house shares (I foolishly went back to him then left for good) my weight fluctuated but after I finally left him for good I joined a gym, saw a therapist and lost about 1 1/2 stone. I did that for me and my confidence and it was at this time I met my current partner. I'd also wanted to show my ex that I could do it with the right support and I was angry at him so if we bumped into each other I wanted him to realise what he'd missed out on.
Rob is amazing and one of the nicest men I have ever met in my life. He loved me and still loves me for being me and he is so supportive and caring, we are both very happy. Due to this happiness and complacency we have both gained weight because we are happy with each other and both find each other very attractive.
I started though to feel my health was suffering as a result of my weight gain - I felt tired, breathless and my knees were sore which scared me. I stopped liking what I saw in the mirror and didn't feel confident in any of my clothes so I decided to take action. I also wanted to feel confident in nice underwear or bed clothes for my OH, rather than wear his T-shirts to bed. This isn't because he isn't attracted to me anymore or because of anything he's said - he calls me sexy all the time, tells me I look great etc but it is something I want to do for him that also benefits me as well.