Argh! Cannot stop eating tonight. Just baked and MADE a chocolate chip cookie! WTF! what's wrong with me.
aislingb said:i feel your pain huni wasnt a bit hungry and sent my husband to get me a burger and chips and while he was gone i ate 4 biscuits at 6 syns each.. im kicking myself now.why do i do it!!:break_diet:
So lets make a pact to have a good day tomorrowhow many lbs to your stone award? x
hel10683 said:Today's going to be a toughie - an unplanned BBQ that I was invited to last night. I stupidly ate weetabix without thinking this morning so have already used up a HEA and HEB! I had intented to have scrambled egg.
I think I'll defrost some free soup to eat before I go to try to help. I have meat free burgers and sausages for 0.5 syns each so 2 each of those won't be too bad. If I put 2 burgers + cheese on 1 roll that's the rest of my HEs gone. I can then have 2 sausages on another roll for 6 syns for the roll. That's 8 syns plus mayo (1) and ketchup (1) taking me up to 10. I might even make up some veggie skewers to fill me up. If I'm still hungry I'll have 1 more burger and 1 more sausage with lots of salad for another syn. I just hope I can keep my control - I know what I'm like at BBQs. I'm sure there'll be lots of crisp and dip type things which I LOVE!
Wish me luck.
Sum said:Don't worry Aslingb and Ela ine as we all have these sorts of days - we just have to leave them behind and move onGood Luck X
I've now successfully done 18 days of 100% but with the sun thats out now i'm wondering how long i can resist having loads of milkshakes and ice cream lol
largelesley said:You are all doing so well
I am only on day 3 and sat is when i have a munch i have used 5sins since thurs and im a bit scared to use them but reading this has made me realise yous do and u do ok
Hope everyone has a good day x
9 days of 100%! I probably wouldn't have made it past the first 2 days without this thread.
9 days of 100%! I probably wouldn't have made it past the first 2 days without this thread.
Well the BBQ didn't go quite as well as planned. I ended up having an extra bread roll (6) and cheese slice (3) than I planned taking me to 19syns for the day but I only had 6 syns on Friday so I decided that it would be okay as I'd still be under the 30 syns for the 2 days.
I also did plenty of body magic as I was baby sitting for a friend and the only way the baby would settle was to be pushed around in her pram. I think I did about 2.5 hours of pram pushing yesterday and my muscles are definitely feeling it.
Today is a roast dinner at Mum's so I'm doing extra easy and should be fine.
Well done to everyone else who's sticking to 100% - hope it's making you feel as good as it's making me feel.
Sum said:Well Done Ela ine - its a pound in the right direction and you'll definatly get your new sticker next weekGood Luck Xx