I am at my wits end here... So, so sick of being overweight yet I am the reason and I can't seem to change 
My first encounter with SW was about 7yrs ago before I was pregnant with child 3. I lost about 2 stone via SW, doing it alone at home. Then throughout my pregnancy I loosely stuck to it and gained around 2 stone (previous pregnancies had been 4 & 3 stone) I lost all but a few pound by the time baby 3 was 6wks old. Then when he was 6mths old I was pregnant again, baby 4, again I followed SW loosely throughout and only gained 1.5st this time, all of which came off at the birth. By my 6wk check I was half a stone lighter than pre pregnancy (and the lightest I had been in years). By now I wasn't really following SW at all though. Dealing with a new baby, a 15mth old and two slightly older children of 7 & 9 was exhausting. We lived off oven food, takeaways and chippy dinners.
It didn't help that baby 4 was hard work, a reall clingy one, screamed and cried all the time, colicky, I couldn't put her down or she would scream until sick. We were all shattered and stressed, tension in the house was high. She is now 4 yrs old and is still my 'hardest work child' and causes the most friction in the house although she is now in full time school
so things are getting easier.
Anyway in the last 4yrs, since she was born stress, the pill, tiredness, lack of willpower has all combined and I have gained over 3 stone... I was already about 2 stone overweight at my 6 wk check (even though it was my lightest weight in years) this means I need to lose about 5.5stone to get down to my healthy bmi, just about!
Inthe last 4yrs I have joined SW group twice and atempted at home a few times. Sometimes I have managed a few days, sometimes a few months but the result is always the same...I give up. I get bored, I can't afford all the SW food, I don't get time to cook... I seem to always have an excuse. I am utterly fed up of myself and my lack of willpower I am now a few pounds heavier than my all time heaviest (not counting during pregnancies) I now weigh 14st 4lbs. I know that isn't a huge weight but I am barely touching 5ft 2in and so I am now in a size 18 clothes size.
How do I stick to this once and for all, how do you all do it? Is it a case that I need to try a different diet.? I am at a complete loss about what to do anymore.
Please help me xxxx
Sent from my GT-P7510 using mobile app
My first encounter with SW was about 7yrs ago before I was pregnant with child 3. I lost about 2 stone via SW, doing it alone at home. Then throughout my pregnancy I loosely stuck to it and gained around 2 stone (previous pregnancies had been 4 & 3 stone) I lost all but a few pound by the time baby 3 was 6wks old. Then when he was 6mths old I was pregnant again, baby 4, again I followed SW loosely throughout and only gained 1.5st this time, all of which came off at the birth. By my 6wk check I was half a stone lighter than pre pregnancy (and the lightest I had been in years). By now I wasn't really following SW at all though. Dealing with a new baby, a 15mth old and two slightly older children of 7 & 9 was exhausting. We lived off oven food, takeaways and chippy dinners.
It didn't help that baby 4 was hard work, a reall clingy one, screamed and cried all the time, colicky, I couldn't put her down or she would scream until sick. We were all shattered and stressed, tension in the house was high. She is now 4 yrs old and is still my 'hardest work child' and causes the most friction in the house although she is now in full time school
Anyway in the last 4yrs, since she was born stress, the pill, tiredness, lack of willpower has all combined and I have gained over 3 stone... I was already about 2 stone overweight at my 6 wk check (even though it was my lightest weight in years) this means I need to lose about 5.5stone to get down to my healthy bmi, just about!
Inthe last 4yrs I have joined SW group twice and atempted at home a few times. Sometimes I have managed a few days, sometimes a few months but the result is always the same...I give up. I get bored, I can't afford all the SW food, I don't get time to cook... I seem to always have an excuse. I am utterly fed up of myself and my lack of willpower I am now a few pounds heavier than my all time heaviest (not counting during pregnancies) I now weigh 14st 4lbs. I know that isn't a huge weight but I am barely touching 5ft 2in and so I am now in a size 18 clothes size.
How do I stick to this once and for all, how do you all do it? Is it a case that I need to try a different diet.? I am at a complete loss about what to do anymore.
Please help me xxxx
Sent from my GT-P7510 using mobile app
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