Slimming for a better lifestyle
I've been a SW Online member for the last year or so. I prefer it to going to groups and it works well for me mostly. I have a couple of issues with it though and the "Hall of Fame" bit is one of them. I'm very sure people "fluff" their results here as the slimmer of the week is constantly full of people who have lost like 15lbs in a week (1st week loses don't count for this one) and the slimmer of the month currently has lost 2st in one month. In the time that I did spend at a SW group previously, I never saw ANYONE get loses even close to that. This is what makes me think that people online are slightly "inflating" their loses and, if so, I truly don't understand why because they are only lying to themselves.
When I put my weight in every week, I'm dead honest, even if I've gained.