OH and kids are out, sitting here on my own and I feel like crying, and on the verge of a binge, I feel like I'm being punished, even tho it's my own fault for being fat, GOD I hate Friday night:cry:I guess it's jealousy.
Hi Abisaurus, I think because I used to have a good drink and goodies on a friday night, I'm really missing it, and I'm worried if I have a taster I'll mess up, which I don't want to do as it's so early on in the plan, I feel I can't risk it.
That's the problem my Friday nights consisted of 6 cans of Stella, a big bag of chilli peanuts, crisps, cheese and crackers, ( hence my weight) I feel there's no substitute for these, so the sooner I get over my jealousy that everyone' s down the pub, I may stand a chance, sorry about the winge, I couldn't help it, and thank you so much for your suggestions it means a lot. Thanks. Helen x