Gold Member
I agree that you're doing pretty well. Yes, it would've been good not to have had a chocolate feast on Saturday, but I know I've done it, will do it again, and have done much worse. 
I know it's disappointing when the pounds don't melt off like they do for some, but stick at it and I'm certain you'll start to see results. Don't even start to think about reducing syns or free food just yet - I don't think you're eating too much and it's only been a fortnight. Unfortunately, some of us just get off to a slow start, especially those of us who've been doing various weight loss plans (some madder than others) for years. If you only had a stone or so to lose then that might be an issue but it isn't for you. SW isn't about calorie accounting though I'm sure someone will shout "ah, but calories do matter!" if I don't allude to the fact that reducing food intake does tend to sort out weight issues. Of course. But following the SW plan automatically reduces your calorie intake - and mostly painlessly, cos you get to eat! It's about eating the type of food that leaves you healthy rather than weighty. It's not about fast weight loss, it's about sustained weight loss and developing the eating habits that'll keep the weight off.
And I think in the first week or two many of us who've done diets where you run out of calories or points find that they overdo the free food on SW - but only until the novelty wears off. I think you need to eat plenty during those first weeks to prove that you can eat lots and not gain a stone, LOL. I don't think your weight gain is due to anything other than water fluctuations.
Keep going. Some of us are slow losers. But think of it this way, where has fast weight loss ever got you? Last year I lost 3 stones doing a VLCD for about the thirtieth time - and put back 3 and a half stones by Christmas (whoops :ashamed0005
. Slow and steady wins the race, right? 
I know it's disappointing when the pounds don't melt off like they do for some, but stick at it and I'm certain you'll start to see results. Don't even start to think about reducing syns or free food just yet - I don't think you're eating too much and it's only been a fortnight. Unfortunately, some of us just get off to a slow start, especially those of us who've been doing various weight loss plans (some madder than others) for years. If you only had a stone or so to lose then that might be an issue but it isn't for you. SW isn't about calorie accounting though I'm sure someone will shout "ah, but calories do matter!" if I don't allude to the fact that reducing food intake does tend to sort out weight issues. Of course. But following the SW plan automatically reduces your calorie intake - and mostly painlessly, cos you get to eat! It's about eating the type of food that leaves you healthy rather than weighty. It's not about fast weight loss, it's about sustained weight loss and developing the eating habits that'll keep the weight off.
And I think in the first week or two many of us who've done diets where you run out of calories or points find that they overdo the free food on SW - but only until the novelty wears off. I think you need to eat plenty during those first weeks to prove that you can eat lots and not gain a stone, LOL. I don't think your weight gain is due to anything other than water fluctuations.
Keep going. Some of us are slow losers. But think of it this way, where has fast weight loss ever got you? Last year I lost 3 stones doing a VLCD for about the thirtieth time - and put back 3 and a half stones by Christmas (whoops :ashamed0005