Full Member
^ you said that beautifully too :hug99:
Yes I am a fat girl being thinner too. There is a huge mental adjustment and for other people too. I just wish it was about the weight but it isn't. Yes I want to blend too but I don't seem to be doing thisI'm doing ok no one at work is interested now lol I still never got over the hate mail though. I lost about 4 to 5 stones and someone sent mail saying I was still fat
I guess they were jelous. I have gained some of that weight and am tackling it again, part of me thinks why bother you'll be a focal point again, but I think it's my head making excuses, so I ignore it and stay quietly in the background losing weight.
The fact that someone would sit down and cowardly send you a hateful anonymous message is just... well, it's terribly sad when you think about it. How awful must they feel about themselves to write that and send it? They must feel wretched. Just don't let them make you feel that way, too. Noticeable weight loss is like a beacon for jealousy and insecurity - I know this because I must uncomfortably admit I've felt jealous myself when I've seen other people shed weight while I was still clinging to my nightly tub of Pringles! But, hey, you look and sound like a thoroughly lovely person and I'm sure you were always lovely no matter what your weight, but the fact that you've lost and you're still losing, that sounds like it's been the last straw for someone around you who's been watching your progress enviously. It's strange... your 'friends' will try the same thing but in a much craftier way. They won't say 'you're still fat, fatty!' they'll say 'you're getting anorexic, aren't you, here- eat this biscuit!'
And mothers, god love em. I have a bit of a bizarre relationship with my mother at the best of times. For one thing I'm her full time carer, and she has a serious physical condition coupled with bipolar disorder. Physically it's very tough for her to lose weight and she's been steadily gaining due to the meds she's on. I know she really wants to shift some weight and that watching me do just that has made her resentful. I don't blame her at all for that, I'd probably feel the same way. But her moods can be so volatile that I've often thought that I should pack it in and gain weight if it'd make her happier and more stable. Am I being awfully selfish losing this weight? Maybe. Is it my way of passive aggressively getting back at her for eating up my life? Dear god I hope not. I've had too many sleepless nights to plumb the dark depths of my psyche... confronting your baser self can be downright scary!
And then the ex, who got tired of feeling like he was playing second fiddle to my mother all the time. He was the most amazing man I ever met. There was a big part of me that felt the need to try to be perfect for him. The thought was always there 'he's not for me, he can't be for me, he's far too good for me.' Became a self-fulfilling prophesy, I guess. But I think I've moved enough beyond it now to realise that any man who couldn't handle the fact that my mum needs me really isn't the man I need. If only I could learn to stop wanting, though!
I'm still trying to factor in where my weight loss and new self fit in the scheme of all this chaos. I just don't feel very different. Same issues, same problems, just a bit less flab to wave at them now, I suppose, and my old friend chocolate isn't there when I feel I'm going to crack. I'm not sure how I'd approach a new relationship right now, to be honest. I'd feel in a way that I was falsely marketing myself, inaccurately presenting myself, if that makes sense. I'm not a naturally skinny girl - I'm an undercover fatty!
Does the brain ever catch up with the body, or will you always feel displaced? Still trying to figure that one out!