Wii Fit Club

i brought back 6lbs of blooming fooking fat! and no doubt will creep up more as had 4 slices od dominoes meatza pizza tonight! :cry:
Well hun as they say you need to eat fat to lose fat! Alcohol doesnt contain any. Lol sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Move on from it and dont worry. If your good it will soon come off. Holidays are meant be be enjoyed
I rented wii fit plus and its much better than the first one :) there are some really fun games on there and it counts cals too. Ill be deffo buying it.
I'm out of doing wii fit for a while... have torn my achilles tendon!!
Oh no Linz, how have you done that hun? They take ages to heal :cry: x x
ooh ouch! and yes how did you manage that!
Oh my Bird! You're getting as bad as me!

Off to wobble for 10 mins now with hopefully no injuries - I am sober so there is hope :8855:
omg Linz i bet it is :(
omg!!! mind we never learn do we?
Get those exercises done hun and rub double the amount of cream in - you don't want to be in a brace - ouch! Hugs from all of us x x :grouphugg:
I'm In!
borrowed wii fit off someone last week and have been playing all weekend. Really hurt my arms on the kung fu and boxing bit tho so the rowinf machine may be out of question at the gym tonight! My wii fit age is 26, I'm quite impressed only 2 years older than me :)