First thing first you need to buy a Nintendo Wii this is the console which retails around £179.00 and comes with a game which includes bowling, skiing tennis and golf. This in itself is fun and great for one or more people to play although not fantistically energetic, more of a laugh on a friday night after a few beers!
The Wii Fit is £69.99 and is a white board/Step which comes with its own disc. On this disc there are training plans - it measures your BMI and weight and charts it on a graph. You then have a virtual trainer who helps you train Yoga, Muscles, Aerobics and balance. The more you do the more time you earn in your money pig and the more "Moves/Actions". you unlock. You can then get extra games like Mario and that comes with a steering wheel which you lock your remote into and you feel like you are driving in the Grand Prix etc (my hubby likes this) you can connect to the internet and play on line.
So although very expensive the Wii Fit itself virutally out of stock everywhere and is going to be the most sort after pressie this year for Xmas. Becareful of the online stores who take your money then tell you it is a 12 week delivery! also be wary of the bundles which a lot of stores are doing to try and get rid of the lesser games and tying it in with the Wii Fit, I personally got mine from Comet on line as part of a bundle £295.00 including delivery.
Go on line and google Wii Fit and go on the official website it has a virtual tutorial which will explain a whole lot more. It is fun and whacky either serious or playing I luv mine....................... enjoy