Will it work for me?


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm 18 and around 12st 2lbs, 5ft 7 and a size 14!

Last year I managed to lose about a stone but gave up pretty quickly (by that I mean I dieted from January - March!) and am on the hunt again for a new weight loss solution!

Basically, what I was wondering is, would Exante work for me? I'd like to lose around 3st and get to 9st-ish and hopefully an 8-10 by summer (for obvious reasons!)

I know not everyone here is a dietician but if I did Exante Total Solution do you reckon I could lose the 3st in about 3/4 months? Or am I just being totally unrealistic? (as I so often am)

Thanks :)
Exante say you can lose a stone a month so 3stone in 3/4 months is do-able but as you nearly have a 'normal' bmi already the weight may come off slower, it tends to come off slower when you dont have much to lose.