Will weight loss reduce excess hair???

Hmm.... might order some in my next food shop. Anythings worth a try :)
i have had hair on my chin and neck ever since i can remember, when i was 9.5 stone (im 5"4) i did notice it reduced, what i understand is that fat cells contain higher levels of testosterone, the male hormone and so the more fat cells you have the more male hormones you have meaning the more hair you will get, as you lose weight your body will create less hair as your levels of testosterone fall but the hair you already have wont go away so if you shave or pluck it is always going to grow back but if you use electrolysis (so painful!!) or laser then it will go and not come back so you should notice a difference over i reckon about 3-4 months laser and electroysis can be expensive wat i did was go to boots and bought a laser machine as it was the same price as 6 laser appts in a salon for a small facial area and you can obviously use as much as you like for under arms bikini lines ect as well
that was a little long winded but i hope it helps a little
wat i did was go to boots and bought a laser machine as it was the same price as 6 laser appts in a salon for a small facial area and you can obviously use as much as you like for under arms bikini lines ect as well

What machine did you get, and was it any good? I was looking at them, but dont think they're as powerful as the salon ones so not sure if they actually make any difference.

I look forward to your reply :)
i got the boots own brand and i did notice a difference the good thing also with it is you can use it as often as you like so i was using it once a week as there was nothing to tell me otherwise
definatly a good buy especially if you have a boots card as i got about 40 quid back in points as i used a double points coupon :)
So has the hair gone for good, or some of it at least?
Yeah it has :) thank god as I was starting to life the will :) maybe if ur wary check the guarantee and how long u have to take it back, but yeah for me definatly worked and also did a patch on my shin and that has not grown back either :) x
* lose the will lol not life the will - ops!
right! went to sk:n clinic last week and they did a little test patch on me and told me all about the treatment, im going for my first proper appointment on sunday! scared but exited lol. Us ladies with PCOS get a 20 percent discount at the chain on clinics im using, so thats good! will let u know how it goes n if i see any results etc etc xx
right! went to sk:n clinic last week and they did a little test patch on me and told me all about the treatment, im going for my first proper appointment on sunday! scared but exited lol. Us ladies with PCOS get a 20 percent discount at the chain on clinics im using, so thats good! will let u know how it goes n if i see any results etc etc xx

How many areas and how much is it? (sorry if thats really nosey!)
lol thats ok! im having chin and neck and with a 30% discount (they had a deal on when i booked) it was £540 and thats for 8 treatments. so with the 20% pcos discount it wud be about 600 ish i think x
Previous times when I have lost loads of weight and my periods became regular my PCOS symptoms got much better. Now I am back on the wagon to lose weight. I have a terrible hair problem and also shave/pluck/wax. What really p*****s me off is the fact the PCOS & hypothyroid (have that too) cause hair thinning (on our head), why not the rest of our bodies!

When i was on Dianette I had a hair free face, breasts, tummy etc and my skin was like porcelain I never had to wear makeup to cover acne, now I go thru Estee Lauder maximum coverage very often!
I don't know if losing the weight makes it better but I know gaining weight made it so much worse - I went from a light downy fluff at about 16 stone to not short of a beard at 20 stone. I have black hair so it's really fun plucking every day as you can imagine :D I really do hope losing weight reduces it even a little bit.
I have black hair so it's really fun plucking every day as you can imagine :D I really do hope losing weight reduces it even a little bit.

I know exactly what you mean. My hair is really dark brown - pain in the a**!
I'm sort of lucky because I have light blonde hair and the hair doesn't appear so obvious face to face. But I always feel self concious about it, and as much as I mention it to the doctors, they don't seem to take it as seriously as it is. It's frustrating because people who don't know about my PCOS that point it out find it funny, but its the last thing in the world I feel like laughing about.
I hope, as I get older, it gets better....because I dont want to be one of the hairy grannies I see walking around town....lol
lol! Thats my fear too! I've got another 30mins of electrolysis today at 1pm. I have noticed over the last week or two that I've started getting dark hair growing on my chest....!!! So I'm going to book myself in for an hour next week. Its just agonisinly painful gettin it done on really thin bits of skin like my collarbone! Ouch ouch ouch ouch!!!! I'm such a wimp! lol!

The fact that I see new hair makes me almost certain that weight loss isnt helping. Now I'm wondering if its my pill making things worse. Might make a doctors appointment and go ask.
Mine isnt noticeable to do anything about it just yet. I get a small amount on my face and a little bit below my belly button. Other than that, Im not stressing at the moment.....for now lol xx
Ah yeah, I have the bit at my bellybutton - but my hair is really dark brown and its awful. Its not annoying me enough to go add it to my electrolysis list as yet - but its on my "to do" list! lol!
I had 6 ipl laser sessions got via groupon i think various cites offer same sort of thing. the deal included six sessions of 3 areas of your choosing i choose my jawline my chin and upper lip got the above for £99!!!!!!!!!!! When i got there a little place local to me i was impressed they where professional and gave me the 6 sessions as if i paid full price........ after 6 was advised i needed a few more sessions so he come to an arrangement £90 a session and could pay as i had them 3 sessions later hair gone!! i was diagnosed with pcos in 1993 and had shaved since the joy of shaving no more
Yeah, I'm still going for electrolysis. Not sure how I'm feelin about it just now. The hair is certainly getting finer, but its not going away. And sometimes I think I'm getting more hair, but its probably because I'm not constantly plucking so I'm now at the stage where it has all come back in.

I cant quite work out whether the hair on my neck/jaw is more noticable now its all in, or if its marks from the electrolysis. I'm debating changing back to laser using a groupon deal after Christmas.

Not sure. Its such an absolute pain, isnt it?
I tried electrolysis once!!!!! Was so so painful I am in awe of you getting it done!! Laser is so far working for me.. Would love to be able to afford it for my legs eventually, not so much under knee happy shaving them like most people!! It's above knee when I shave them my skin is so sensitive I get dreadful rashes etc!!!! But so far no no hair remover working grand just so time consuming.... Was reading about your weightloss wow!!!!