------------------------------------------------thank you for reading my mad rambling diary!
I thought I'd try on my corset I have - I got it before Xmas and back then I could hardly get it round me let alone do it up and today I tried and.....it fits!!! I'm so happy -![]()
-------------------------------------------------So today marks 16 weeks for me! Who would have thought I'd have got this far! - all I have to do now is get rid of the weight on my legs but apart fm that I feel really good about things!
Hope everyone is having a lovely day!
Tc X
Hi dolphin, thanks so much for the reply - it's always the way having problem areas!
I've lost another 4 lb which is good!
---------------------------------------I just wanted to say I'm so sorry it's taken me till now to reply - was so tired after last night. I just wanted to say thank you so much!
Anything is possible - I can't thank you enough for your comments - I must admit I do think one day I should read from the start of my diary and see how I've changed!
Emma - Your just fab! Thank you so much
Dolphin - I do feel like I'm on a roll! yay!
So diary update for day 114! Last night was AMAZING! I'm so happy mum and I decided to go! We didn't have the best seats due to getting them so last min but it was just the best! I was very lucky to see Kerry after the show (she was who we went to see ) and I've gotten to know her through seeing her so much and it was so sweet watching her trying to work out what was different about me! She hasn’t seen me for a while! I also managed to get a photo with her and for once I don’t look massive standing next to her - shock horror! I'm so tired today but it's just made me smile so much! My driving lesson also went well this morning too and we’re preparing for my test which is rather scary!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
Tc all! XxX