- Willowsquest Total Solution Diary -

Your going to have a wonderful holiday with your children willow & be making some lovely memories. Get lots of photo's that you can look back on. I bet they are so excited. Good news about the costume too, well done on achieving all that hard work xx
Good luck for your weigh in on the 5th. Fingers crossed for 13.7 :)
Hi Willow. Your weight losses have been brilliant! Have a wonderful holiday and be confident in your cossie!
Well I am all packed and ready to go, kids are over excited but so am I. I have had a lovely weekend at my cousins wedding, wore the size 14 dress I bought several weeks ago and got some fab comments so was a super boost. I will post some pics after the holiday of my before and after. I have my fingers crossed for my weigh in but I have already got very close so I am quite content.

i have had my dad doing Exante for 6 weeks now and he has lost almost 2 1/2 stone and because my mom has supported him with healthy eating and some meal replacements she has lost 1st 5lbs. They both look amazing and it's so nice to see them feel good about themselves.

Hope everyone is enjoying the lovely bank holiday. x :D
Ooh size 14's :D I bet you felt amazing and looked it too!

Have a wonderful holiday, hope you have the best time as you really do deserve it.

Really good news about your mum and dad too, seeing their loss which you've encouraged them to do must feel like a great achievement xx
Size 14 how good did that feel eh. You've come such a long way Willow, well done .

Bonus that everyone has benefited as a result of your diet plan. Have a lovely holiday :D.xx
I bet you look great in size 14, especially since you're tall. Have a brilliant holiday. Looking forward to seeing your pics.
Hope you have a fab holiday.
Back to the future

Hello all, thought I should check back in on my diary after my holiday and study commitments. I am still going well I have had a few days off plan but generally been good and still losing although a little slower.

I have attempted to add some pictures hopefully it will work. My before was Dec 2013 I was somewhere around 18.8st and my after on my holiday at 13.7st. Not the best pics but will do some more when using my laptop.

Hope you are all well. xx :D


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Good to hear you're still doing so well, love the photos :)
Wow huge difference willow, you have done so well!! :)

What are you doing diet wise now? Xx
Wow huge difference willow, you have done so well!! :)

What are you doing diet wise now? Xx

Thanks MM, I def feel good for it. Diet wise I am back on TS but it is a real battle so my current plan (stc) is try to keep to TS until my original goal of 12st 7lb. I am hoping that I will get there around mid June, then I will start using the stabiliser programme. I have no social events until July so this will help keep me focused. I want to be eating a healthy mainly normal food diet by July 11th which is when I am going out on a long over due girls night out (with alcohol) that has been rescheduled due to my diet. Off to see a BonJovi cover band and have a very loud night out hopefully. I also have my sons naming day on July 26th so would like again to enjoy a toast to his health etc. I am at the stage I need to be eating and exercising I can just feel it so if TS proves difficult will bring the plan forward and hit the gym. xxxx

how are you doing with your plan MM ? :D
That's an amazing loss Willow! Well done. You clearly have a good plan for reaching your goal and maintaining.
Wow Willow, what a change eh. Hope you are feeling extremely proud of yourself because that loss is such an achievement.

Its going to be so nice for you to be able to really let your hair down on that girls night out . Will you be treating yourself to a new outfit for your sons naming because you deserve one xx
Wow Willow, what a change eh. Hope you are feeling extremely proud of yourself because that loss is such an achievement.

Its going to be so nice for you to be able to really let your hair down on that girls night out . Will you be treating yourself to a new outfit for your sons naming because you deserve one xx

Thank you Susie I do feel good about it I think I will gain pride once I have managed to maintain the weight loss. I don't need any excuses to buy clothes at the moment so will be looking out for something nice for the naming day. xxx
That's an amazing loss Willow! Well done. You clearly have a good plan for reaching your goal and maintaining.

Thanks Lynne, The plan seems good in black and white lets hope it works. :D
The past few weeks have really helped me overcome some issues and I can feel my confidence building it's quite liberating really. I swam with my children for the first time ever, I have danced with them making a complete fool of myself at the holiday entertainment and a children's party, worn short dresses and leggings, sat in plastic garden chairs, worn high heels, climbed climbing frames with my 2 year old, fitted in the little train at Paignton Zoo and lots of other silly things I would have avoided like my life depended on it. My next plan is a trip to Alton Towers love roller coasters but have been too big for them for so long can't wait. xxx ;)
Its so lovely that you can now do all those wonderful things! :)

For me, i just stopped going out. Felt awkward incase anyone i knew saw me. I was embarrassed of myself!

I am 3 weeks into being back on food so its still early days of seeing what works and what doesnt. I had +6, +3 and last week -2. So i am hoping i peaked and gained control again but i will need a few more weeks to tell for sure.
My plan is to try and get back in the 12's by the end of summer and then do 2 more month TS october November.

It is quite challenging trying to eat healthy all the time so ive changed tactic, im on 1200 calories a day. So i can eat 1200 cals of rubbish if i want but thats my limit. I find it easier if i plan my food a day in advance, that way i can see all the food i can eat and see how many calories i have left to use on snacks.
I like doing it this way but like i said, early days to know if it works or not.

I am sure you will do great at your plan. Just track what you eat as it can so easily get out of control :)
Glad you had such a great time on holiday with your kids doing things you weren't able to or just wouldn't have done before. I'm sure your kids loved seeing their mum having a good time larking about. Good luck with the rest of your plan.
Liberation at its best Willow :D xx