Mini fitness challenges/targets
[STRIKE]Weston Prom 5km - April 16th[/STRIKE]
[STRIKE]Octathalon JJB Bristol - May 2nd[/STRIKE] 12 mins 32 secs
[STRIKE]Bristol 10km - May 10th[/STRIKE] 58 mins 19 secs
Race for Life Bristol - June 14th
Indoor Rowing Marathon 42km JJB Bristol - August 15th
Bristol Half Marathon - September 6th
Octathalon Cup - October 10th/17th
I'm raising money for St. Peter's Hospice by running the Bristol 10km, the Bristol Marathon and my own indoor rowing marathon...
I am also running the Race for Life in Bristol on June 14th...All is in memory of my mother who died of colon cancer in 2004 and of course to help those who now need treatment, etc.