World Of Warcarft

This thread still active? :)

Been playing since March 2005 on Frostmane EU - have a Troll Hunter (90), Disc Priest (90) and some 85's I've yet to level up.

Currently progressing through the Heroic raid content with my guild. Looking for members! ;)
Ah Warcraft has been such a big part of my life. I learnt a lot about general interaction with people, I met thousands of people and it was just an amazing experience. It probably made me gain 40lb too but heck, I would have just played Xbox 360 instead :p

I played a bit of Vanilla, but mainly WoTLK. Loved Northrend and I loved everything about it, it was amazing. Cataclysm was not so good. Deathwing was a boring villain, and there was nothing about it that made it that great. I enjoyed the Firelands raid though.

I got a MoP 7 day trial, and it pretty much executed any chance of me playing again. I thought it was abysmal. The tanked a dungeon, and the enemies just made me confused. Giant rabbits and huge totem men... what the hell.

It was a very influential part of my life while it lasted, and I will never forget it.
It's a shame you didn't stick with it - MoP is actually better than Cataclysm! So many things to do, the raids are challenging again! Some boss mechanics are quite fun, the new mobs and scenery are stunning.

I'd say give it another go, even as a seasoned WoW player, I still found the first week or two very confusing - it's how every expansion is! :D

Hi All, I have an 85 Lock, amongst others, on Stormrage. Been a player for about 6-7 years myself but got a bit stuck with the Lock right now. Not sure about Mists - have not got it yet - though I think I should really as I would like to start a Panda Monk - just for fun ! lol. I used to play most nights for about 6 hours and nearly the whole weekend but that stopped about 3 years ago when a RL friend stopped playing completely (and after being the complete addict and playing about 20hours per day) he now disses the game as crap etc but hey ho... Anyway the other thing that has put me off playing is the damn account wide achievement - I mean I am going to start as Panda and as soon as she takes one step from the Starting block - she will be Loremaster, have untold mounts (but not earned the skills), she will have had all the World Events accredited to her etc etc etc etc - I really really hate that - she has not done anything but has all that. How boring is it to start a new toon - it does not give you a clear way to go. I know that some people like this but there should be a choice to turn this off if you want - I have been involved in a massive debate on the WoW forums about this but Blizz are ignoring it. I expect that I shall play some more - just not excited enough to do so yet. I do miss it and it could be a good distraction from food - until my toon needs to eat lol.
I don't see an issue with the account-wide achievements in all honesty.
I can choose not to use the mounts on my level 20's - which I have ground through hard work on my main. I can choose not to use the titles (Hand of A'dal for example) on any of them that don't deserve it. I don't show my achievements on my little toons. The achievements don't really enable them to do anything extra, they're just badges of honour on your account really. :)

There are benefits to having account-wide things too - not having to buy mounts more than once. Having vanity pets available on every character.

It's just a game and shouldn't be taken too seriously. Leveling is super easy now (MUCH easier than 3 years ago) and it's fun. Monks have special 'Daily' experience boosting questl, which helps lots. Cataclysm has changed most zones and there are some great stories in there.

I do play a lot - but it's a hobby of mine. Some people do knitting, some do arts and crafts, some people love to watch tv. I play WoW with my friends - same as going to the pub with them to be honest - except we slay monsters together instead! It's great, I don't believe one should be ashamed about playing it. :D
Hi Minerva, I don't mind the account wide achievements being there but we should have the choice to disable them and not have them forced onto us, but as said above Blizz are ignoring "our" request and pandering to other people that wanted them - and Blizz are wondering why players are leaving in droves. To me its not an improvement to the gameplay but others like yourself find it so. We should have the choice to have it either way.
/e wave.
It's a shame you didn't stick with it - MoP is actually better than Cataclysm! So many things to do, the raids are challenging again! Some boss mechanics are quite fun, the new mobs and scenery are stunning.

I'd say give it another go, even as a seasoned WoW player, I still found the first week or two very confusing - it's how every expansion is! :D


I think I have just played my time with WoW. MoP may be great but it (and catalclysm) changed WoW so much. The WoW I loved has evolved into something else that I don't personally enjoy so much.

I may level a character though, who knows. Won't ever be a hardcore raider again though, no chance.
Love WOW, but my serious raiding days are over. I just dabble at the moment - bit of raid finder, pet battles and the odd dungeon/scenario but nothing too intense :p Agree with you Minerva, I find that each patch/new content that comes out always leaves me feeling lost for a few days, even weeks. I have made some really good friends through WOW and we've met up a few times including our ex guild leaders wedding. Hoping to spend a bit more time playing after daughters GCSEs have finished and my assignments are handed in.

The main question is .... horde or alliance?
That is a such a personal question if you're an old player.. I started as a Horde in 2006 and can't imagine being an Ally - even though the distinction is gone now. :)
I've made so many friends in WoW and like you have also attended one of our guildie's weddings! They now have a little baby together too.. It's like our little guild family .. lol.

aaand - 5.2 is pretty awesome btw! We're slowly but surely progressing in our little 10 man raiding guild :)
I kept in touch with a WoW friend from Norway on Facebook for many years. I told him if I reached 200lbs I would travel to Norway, and he offered me a place to stay!

Also have a WoW friend in England that I plan on driving up to soon.
Ok - aim for this weekend --- catch up with wow friends and level dwarf mage to 90 :D
I am quite tempted to make a new character and just level up - that would be an experience I would still enjoy.

I gave away all my gold when I quit though. But I guess I won't really need it.
So me and a friend decided to level together. We played together before a little bit, got him up to level 40. But I recruited him again and we are level 19 :p

So I am back to WoW.... quite enjoying levelling through the Barrens again. I am a prot Paladin and my friend is a hunter, good balance for levelling.
Hi guys! :) I am back to Slimming but I've been back on WoW since MoP came out! Currently playing my Human Priest on Stormrage alliance side with my boyfriend whom I met on WoW :D
Hi guys! :) I am back to Slimming but I've been back on WoW since MoP came out! Currently playing my Human Priest on Stormrage alliance side with my boyfriend whom I met on WoW :D

I was born and bred Alliance to begin buy I changed to the dark side haha

Alliance cities are better hands down, Stormwind and Ironforge are fantastic.
Maybe deciding to play WoW again was not a good idea when trying to lose weight hahah I am at work right now, and I am craving it... the addiction is setting back in...

I am loving levelling through again though, prot paladin is pretty fun.
Nothing wrong with it, its a hobby after all! Don't view it so negatively :) I actually wrote my uni dissertation on subject of mmorpg addiction... Lol.
If you want some buddies on there, feel free to pm me your battle tag ID :)