World Of Warcarft

You tried the new mmorpg Aion? Meant to be amazing! I played WOW for a while my brother is on it constantly and so use to be my OT until the summer where he realised it was taking over his life.... I love the style of the game and everything but i feel it takes people away from me! It really does become so addictive!
I've been hoping Stargate Worlds would be ready for open beta at least by now, but Cheyenne seem to be out of cash (and strongly denying it), so I suspect that if it ever finally sees the light of day it'll flop 'cause the Star Wars MMO's out soon and everyone'll be on that instead ;)
You tried the new mmorpg Aion? Meant to be amazing! I played WOW for a while my brother is on it constantly and so use to be my OT until the summer where he realised it was taking over his life.... I love the style of the game and everything but i feel it takes people away from me! It really does become so addictive!

Yes I was in beta, but haven't activated my retail box yet because of the amount of time which is being spent queueing to even get into the game, can be up to 3 hours. I am still raiding in EQ2 so plenty to keep me occupied, and nothing ever lives up to the EQ2 level after a while anyways.

From what I played it looks to be an amazing game, although I have never PVP'd before but have been assured you can PVE to max level.

I could spend 3 days on character creation really lol, graphics a beautiful.
Hi all,

I tried WoW for 3-4 months and liked it a lot, the huge world and great gameplay but, like Cobweb, didn't much care for the cartoony look of it. I also played a lot of Guildwars which I really liked (and free to play is always nice!) - great gameplay and a fantastic look to it, however it isn't a true MMO as it's mainly instanced. Also played EQ2 beta which was probably my favourite of the MMOs but at that time I couldn't justify paying monthly to play a game.

Being a huge Lord of the Rings fan (books mainly, but love the films too), I tried the beta of LotRO and ended up buying a lifetime subscription on release (as well as the collectors edition of the game), which paid for itself in a year and so now play more or less for free (when I get the time of course!). For me it ticks all the right boxes - WoW's massive world and great gameplay/features, and GWs/EQ2s fantastic looks (as well as gameplay), all set in the LotR universe.
I really enjoyed LotRO, but I found that once I hit level 50 (back when level 50 was the top limit) I lost interest. I didn't have the time to dedicate to a raiding guild, and joining sporadic raids was impossible as no bugger wants a raiding noob - not even a nicely tricked-out Minstrel who was well-versed in conserving power and keeping whole parties alive.

Once the Mines of Moria came out, I wasn't terribly interested in it. I'd already had the sense of "completion" that came with level 50, so couldn't be bothered to get re-enthused. I always get annoyed when someone moves the goalposts :D

80 holy priest
80 arms warrior (yawn)
70 balance druid.

All on shadowsong.
I was a GM ogf a big raiding guild on Emerald dream but it was too much! xx
Me I just muck about on my xbox360 and ps3 when I get the time hehe, 6 days a week limits my free time and it tends to end up I have something else to do hehe - don't miss it mind you, I do miss the people I met tho.
GTA is good, but I am kinda hooked on Modern Warfare 2 at the mo :( - Mind you I do love my fluff games too :) I like allsorts, been playing games for waaaay too long hehe which if I am honest had alot to do with my weight gain, it filled a social gap when I was saving money and didnt want to go out then made me a tad lazy :D
T'other half gets frustrated with Live's "we'll pick your MW2 server for you, because you're too stupid to look at ping times yourself" attitude - mainly because he tends to end up getting auto-allocated servers which lag like *****es.

Go for the PC if it's available :)
I would love to get into some games again but only have a laptop and it just doesn't cope well :(
I'm a gamer too, love world of warcraft atm, I blame games such as final fantasy for the latter years of my weight gain to be honest and try my best to remember not to OD on them #:)
I play WOW too, on Quel'Thalas. Have too many characters but mage is my main. I'd like to blame wow for my weight gain but it only helped. :eek:

Not playing it so much these doys but still go on 4 evenings a week to raid. Is that sad?:rolleyes:
Not sad at all Laura. I play on Stormrage and have a Lock as my main but currently lvling a Mage - have played for years but still only got one lvl 80. I made the mistake of leaving a raiding guild on the promise of being an Officer in an online friends new guild - now of course the new guild is slowly fading and I am not raid ready anymore :( I dont play as much as I used to - probably only get on about 2-3x a week - used to be 7x a week now that is sad!! lol .
Me and my OH play this. he's addicted big style, I just enjoy the quests, im not a fan of dungeons. he has a lvl 78 night els rogue and wants to be lvl 80 by the end of the week!!! :eek:

I only have a lvl 28 Night elf hunter (did have a mage but didnt like her much in the end) :D But she's ace and has a cat called Boris :8855: takes me ages to do anything because i only go on for an hour or so every other day! Sometimes ill miss 3 or 4 days :rolleyes: