mags love the new hair colour, really suits you !
MagdaX is Magdalicious 16 March 2011 #22 Thanks Hun. It's only semi permanent so I can go back if I get bored. Probably gonna go blonde soon! lol Sent from my iPhone 4 using MiniMins
Thanks Hun. It's only semi permanent so I can go back if I get bored. Probably gonna go blonde soon! lol Sent from my iPhone 4 using MiniMins
T tracyd "I WILL DO THIS" 16 March 2011 #23 i used to be blonde, see if this will work lol have a look below wont let me copy and paste?????????
Twinny Full Member 17 March 2011 #24 ooh its lovely seeing peoples real pics - I look like my avvy apparently lol!